نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
1 M. Sc. Graduate, Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
2 Professor, Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
Qom province with the surface area of 11526 km2 lies between 34˚8́ 35˚11́ N and 50˚4́ 51˚59́ E is located in Iran. According to the Global Bioclimatic Classification System (GBC), Qom province characterized by a Mediterranean climate and of xeric and desertic continental sub-climates. A checklist was prepared to outline the species richness of the studied area, including 841 plant species representing 385 genera and 81 families. 109 species were also reported for the first time, which were not previously reported from this province in botanical sources and studies. Angiosperms are represented by 734 and 100, Eudicots and Monocots, respectively. The prominent families are Asteraceae with, 117 and Fabaceae with, 87 species. Richest genera fall into Astragalus (59), Salsola (16) and Cousinia (15). However, 51.8% of the families are monogene0ric, while 59.5% of the monogeneric families are monospecific. Therophyte (37.9%) and hemicryptophyte (35.1%) are dominant life form spectra in the studied area. Results also indicate the Irano-Turanian species (60.2%) are the main chorological elements of Qom province. Of all studied species, nearly 63 (7.5%) belong to Iranian endemics. The main vegetation types found in Qom province include semi-desert Artemisia steppe, thorn-cushion mountain steppe, open shrublands, cliff vegetation, marl and gypsophilous vegetation, halophytic vegetation, psammophyte vegetation, aquatic and riverine communities, as well as invasive and ruderal communities. By using species richness analysis in 0.1-degree grids, Veshnaveh and Palang Darre were identified as the richest areas of Qom province.
کلیدواژهها [English]
Qom province with the surface area of 11526 km2 lies between 34˚8́ 35˚11́ N and 50˚4́ 51˚59́ E is located in Iran. According to the Global Bioclimatic Classification System (GBC), Qom province characterized by a Mediterranean climate and of xeric and desertic continental sub-climates. A checklist was prepared to outline the species richness of the studied area, including 841 plant species representing 385 genera and 81 families. 109 species were also reported for the first time, which were not previously reported from this province in botanical sources and studies. Angiosperms are represented by 734 and 100, Eudicots and Monocots, respectively. The prominent families are Asteraceae with, 117 and Fabaceae with, 87 species. Richest genera fall into Astragalus (59), Salsola (16) and Cousinia (15). However, 51.8% of the families are monogene0ric, while 59.5% of the monogeneric families are monospecific. Therophyte (37.9%) and hemicryptophyte (35.1%) are dominant life form spectra in the studied area. Results also indicate the Irano-Turanian species (60.2%) are the main chorological elements of Qom province. Of all studied species, nearly 63 (7.5%) belong to Iranian endemics. The main vegetation types found in Qom province include semi-desert Artemisia steppe, thorn-cushion mountain steppe, open shrublands, cliff vegetation, marl and gypsophilous vegetation, halophytic vegetation, psammophyte vegetation, aquatic and riverine communities, as well as invasive and ruderal communities. By using species richness analysis in 0.1-degree grids, Veshnaveh and Palang Darre were identified as the richest areas of Qom province.
Keywords: Chorology, endemic, life form, Qom, species richness, vegetation.
Iran is located in Southwest Asia, representing different climates and habitats and researchers have already been reported more than 8600 plant species. Regarding the number of species, the largest Iranian angiosperm families are belonging to Fabaceae (1401 spp.) and Asteraceae (1234 spp.), while families Asteraceae, Poaceae, Apiaceae and Fabaceae are found to be characterized by the higher number of genera. In addition, the largest genera of Iran are Astragalus and Cousinia with about 830 and 280 species, respectively (Ghahremaninejad & Falatoury, 2016). Floristic surveys have provided precious information regarding species composition, life form, chorology, plant conservation, and introducing new genera and species (Memariani et al., 2016; Amiri & Jabbarzadeh, 2011; Kargar-Chigani et al., 2017; Akhavan Roofigar & Bagheri, 2021; Mahmoodi et al., 2022; Mohammadi et al., 2022; Razbani et al., 2023), and Flora Iranica (Rechinger, 1963-2015) and Flora of Iran (Assadi et al., 1987-2023) are critically provided comprehensive literature for floristic investigations in Iran.
In the case of richness value, each region is expected to exhibit a unique species richness attributed to various factors such as climate, species interactions, geographical location, elevation, and others. The presence of deserts, saline plains, and high mountains has contributed to the formation of diverse habitats and high species richness in Qom province (Najimi & Shafiei, 2009). Moreover, climatic features and varying ecological conditions have resulted in a high level of vegetation diversity within the studied region. All the aforementioned factors contribute to a significant level of species distribution in desert, semi-desert, steppe, semi-steppe, and mountainous regions(Najimi & Shafiei, 2009).
Qom province underwent preliminary investigation by Mehrabian et al. (2007), although their findings did not include a checklist. Subsequently, Najimi and Shafiei (2009) compiled data from various studies and presented a checklist of more than 700 species in their book. Tavakkoli and Mozaffarian (2005) also published their research on the Kobar watershed. The current study is executed to provide a floristic checklist of Qom province, to compare the floristic composition of the studied region with adjacent regions near Qom, to find out the most dominant life forms and chorological elements, to document Iranian endemics within the studied region and finding the area with the highest species richness.
Materials and Methods
Study area: The current study focused on Qom province, which covers a surface area of 11526 km2 (Ashouri, 2012). It lies between 34˚8́ 35˚11́ N and 50˚4́ 51˚59́ E. The north side of the Qom province is bounded by Tehran, while Markazi, Esfahan and Semnan provinces delimit the west, south, and east parts of the studied area (Figure 1A). Elevation (McVicar & Körner, 2013) ranges between 750 (near Kavir desert) to 3200 (Barf Anbar Mountain) meters above sea level (Figure 1B). Based on the Global Bioclimatic Classification System (GBC), Qom province has a Mediterranean climate, along with xeric and desertic continental sub-climates (Djamali et al., 2011).
From a geological perspective, the Qom formation has been examined by various researchers, with several authorities proposing the Oligocene-Miocene formations for Qom province. (Amirshahkarami & Karavan, 2015). Indeed, the collision of Iranian and African/Arabian plates led to the Tethyan closure and origin of the central Iranian microplate within the Miocene (Coleman-Sadd, 1982; Harzhauser & Piller, 2007; Reuter et al., 2009). The plains of Qom province containe evaporative deposits (Salt Lake, Houz-e-Soltan and GhadirAsb), and readily distinguished from the higher plains of mountainous regions by three geological formations (Qom formation, upper red formation and lower red formation). The mountainous region of the studied region subdivided into sedimentary, tuff and shale parts (Darvishzadeh, 2004). Regarding the soil texture of the studied area, the high-lands (mountains and hills) are mainly composed of lithosol and leptosol particles whereas solonchak is the most significal content of soil in salty areas (Ashouri, 2012).
Figure 1. A) The geographical status of Qom Province (prepared by Arc GIS 10.5) and B) its topography within Iran.
The lowest annual (January 2016 to 2017) precipitation belongs to the Kushk-e-Nosrat climate station (110 mm), while the highest relates to Dastjerd climate station (225 mm). Maximum and minimum annual temperature ranges between -5 to 42˚C, respectively (data from meteorological department of Qom province; https://www.ghommet.ir). Ombrothermic diagrams of climatic stations use to identify dry and wet months. Ombrothermic diagrams prepared using meteorological data (January 2016 to 2017) of Kuhsefid, Kushk-e-Nosrat, Kahak and Dastjard climatic stations in the northeast, northwest, south and west of the province respectively (data from meteorological department of Qom province). As can be seen in the Figure 2, in most parts of the province, May to October (orange parts) are dry months and November to April (blue parts) are wet months.
Figure 2. Ombrothermic diagrams of climatic stations in Qom province (January 2016 to 2017)
Methods: Plant sampling was conducted from 2015 to 2018, and they were identified mainly based on Flora Iranica (Rechinger, 1963-2015), Flora of Iran (Assadi et al., 1987-2023), and other literature (Davis et al., 1965-1985; Nasir, 1970-2002; Tutin et al., 1964-1980). Plant specimens have already been preserved in the Herbarium of Shiraz University (HSHU). By conducting research on the Flora of Iran (1987-2023) and the Flora Iranica (1963-2015), we extracted and georeferenced species recorded from Qom province. Subsequently, the coordinate and elevation information of these species was imported into the database. The life form and chorological element terminologies followed the concepts of Raunkiaer (1934) and Zohary et al. (1980-1994) and White & Léonard (1991) respectively.
Physiognomy refers to the morphological characteristics of vegetation, which are primarily determined by the life form of the dominant plant species. This method relies on visual appearance and is commonly used for conducting preliminary investigations of vegetation across large geographical areas, particularly at smaller scales (Asri, 2009). In the present study, the physiognomy method was employed to describe the vegetation of Qom province.
Species richness or the number of species per unit area is the oldest and simplest way to measure diversity (Ejtehadi et al., 2013). For this purpose, the geographic coordinates of each species were recorded during plant sampling and data were imported into the map. The number of species in each grid with dimensions of approximately 0.1 degrees (10*10 km) was counted, and a species richness map was drawn by Diva GIS software (ver. 7.5).
The elevation range varies from 750 to 3200 meters above sea level in Qom province, and this indicates the dominance of two desert and mountainous ecosystems in this province (Najimi & Shafiei, 2009). The results of this study were used to confirm the governance of two above-mentioned ecosystems. For this purpose, we categorized Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Qom province into two distinct regions using a modification of the Jenks (1967) natural breaks classification method. It clusters data into groups that minimize the intra-group variance and maximize the inter-group variance (Jenks, 1967). Thereby, the elevation of 1300.5 m recognized as the boundary between mountainous and plain areas. In the next step, species composition (richest families, Chorology and life forms) of each region were analysed.
In this study, 1829 plant specimens were collected within 91 regions and 641 collection sites across different seasons from 2015 to 2018. By supplementing these specimens with an additional 194 species from the Flora Iranica and the Iranian Flora (indicated by an asterisk "*" in Table 3) a total of 81 families, comprising 841 species and 385 genera, were recorded in Qom province. Among these, three families, seven species, and four genera belong to Pteridophyta and Gymnospermae (as shown in Table 1). Regarding Angiosperms, eudicots are the largest group compared to other groups in the studied area. With respect to families, the number of eudicots (79.01%) and monocots (17.28%) showed remarkable differences. In respect of genera and species, eudicot genera (84.68%) and species (87.28%) also unraveled higher numbers than that of monocots. The species richness in Gymnosperms and Pteridophyta are almost similar (Table 1).
Table 1. Distribution of pteridophyta, gymnosperms, and angiosperms (mono- and dicotyledons) within the studied region (Qom province). Abbreviations are defined as following: No: Number and Per: Percentage.
Plant divisions |
Family |
Genera |
Species |
No |
Per (%) |
No |
Per (%) |
No |
Per (%) |
Pteridophyta |
2 |
2.47 |
3 |
0.78 |
3 |
0.36 |
Gymnospermae |
1 |
1.23 |
1 |
0.26 |
4 |
0.48 |
Angiospermae |
Monocots |
14 |
17.28 |
55 |
14.28 |
100 |
11.89 |
Eudicots |
64 |
79.01 |
326 |
84.68 |
734 |
87.28 |
Total |
81 |
100 |
385 |
100 |
841 |
100 |
Monogeneric families characterized by the highest numbers in the studied region (42 families, 51.8%) and 59.5% (25 families) of them are Monospecific. The species numbers of all genera were also counted. The statistical analyses underlined the species diversity within Qom province flora. The genera with one species (Monospecific) showed the most incredible diversity (234 genra, 60.8%), while the genera with more than five species occupied the lowest (36 genera, 9.4%). Asteraceae is the first-largest family with 54 genera and 117 species, whereas Rosaceae occupied the 10th most prominent family with eight genera and 17 species, respectively (Figure 3). The genera with the highest species richness belong to Astragalus, Salsola, Cousinia and Euphorbia (Fighure 4).
Figure 3. The richest families in number of genera and species Figure 4. The richest genera in number of species
in Qom province. in Qom province.
Out of all identified species (Table 3), 506 (60.2%) of them belong to the Irano-Turanian floristic region, while the remainings are occurred in different floristic regions (Figure 5). Figure 6 also shows various life forms among studied taxa. Most of the species (319, 37.9%) have therophyte life form, followed by hemicryptophyte (295, 35.1%).
Figure 5. The chorology of the studied species in Qom province. Abbreviations are defined as following: ES: Euro-Siberian, Co: Cosmopolitan, IT: Irano-Turanian, M: Mediterranean, PL: Pluriregion, SS: Saharo-Sindian.
Figure 6. The life form of the studied species in Qom province. Abbreviations are defined as following: Ch: Chamaephyte, Ge: Geophyte, He: Hemicryptophyte, Ph: Phanerophyte, Th: Therophyte.
Vegetation: Semi-desert steppes like Artemisia sieberi communities are prominent type of vegetation in the area, usually found in lower plains (below 1800 meters) and foothills (see Figure 7F). These communities include a variety of annuals, such as Bassia eriophora (Schrad.) Asch. (see Figure 8H) and Hyoscyamus pusillus L. (see Figure 8G), which form various associations within the studied region. In the mid-mountain Artemisia communities, various grasses from mountain steppes, notably Stipa lessingiana Trin. & Rupr. mixed and co-dominate alongside dwarf shrubs such as Pteropyrum olivieri Jaub. & Spach. (Figure 7E).
In the mountainous area above 1800 meter, there are well-developed mountain steppes. These steppes are mainly thorn-cushion communities (Figure 7C and D) composed of Artemisia aucheri Boiss., Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. & Hohen., Acantholimon, Acanthophyllum, and Astragalus species. Mountain steppes are rich in diverse and endemic plants, such as Astragalus, Cousinia, Allium, Tulipa (Figure 8C), and Colchicum species (Figure 8E) in Veshnaveh, Vesf and Kohandan.
In valleys with suitable microclimate, there are shrubby and scrub vegetation types with different species composition depending on elevation and slope aspect. In the elevational ranges between 1000 to 1600, and mostly on southern slopes, Amygdalus scoparia Spach is the main component of these plant communities particularly in Kuh-e-Badamak, Palang Darreh (Figure 7B), and Aliabad Neyzar, along with Amygdalus lycioides Spach, Acer monspessulanum L. (Figure 8D), and Tamarix species. Along temporary rivers, especially at elevations above 1800 m, there are narrow strips of mountain riparian communities composed of Salix alba L. (Figure 7A), Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl., Berberis integerrima Bunge, Pistacia atlantica Desf. (Figure 8B), Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey., and Crataegus ambigua C.A.Mey. ex A.K.Becker.
Cliff vegetation on rocky outcrop particularly in Dobaradaran mount near the city of Qom provide suitable and inaccessible habitats for many species. Several species are characteristic of this vegetation type, such as Rosularia sempervivum (M.Bieb.) A.Berger (Figure 7G), Ficus carica L., Pistacia khinjuk Stocks, and Cheilanthes acrostica (Balbis) Tod. (Figure 8F).
The extended hill areas of the Kuh-e-Dobaradaran, Kamrkuh (Figure 7H), and Qiz-Qaleh in Qom Province are covered by marl and gypsum. Floral composition of these hills is much dissimilar from adjacent regions and they have poor vegetation. The most prominent representative species of the studied area include Cleome coluteoides Boiss. (Figure 8I), Asparagus persicus Baker, Zygophyllum fabago L., Halothamnus auriculus (Moq.) Botsch., Anabasis setifera Moq., and Allium sabulosum Steven ex Bunge.
Figure 7. A) Salix alba communities in Darreh-Soleyman, B) Amygdalus scoparia communities in PalangDarreh, C) thorn-cushion communities in Sakht Hesar mount, D) mountain steppe in Vesf, E) Pteropyrum olivieri communities in Salafchegan, F) semi desert Artemisia steppe in PalangDarreh (plain zone), G) Rosularia sempervivum (M.Bieb.) A.Berger on cliff, H) marl and gypsum formations in Kamarkuh, I) Halophytic vegetation near Houz-e-Soltan lake, J) sand dunes near Hossein Abad Mishmast, K) Bidghan river in Veshnaveh and L) Tamarix vegetation in the margins of Hoz-e-Soltan salt lake.
Diverse halophytic communities cover saline soils in vast areas of the Masileh plain between Qom and Tehran, which includes Houz-e-Soltan Lake, Namak Lake, and Morreh wetland (Figure 1B). Along the margin of Morreh wetland, there are Phragmites australis (halophytic ecotype) and C4-dominated annual halophytic, shrubby halophytic, and Haloxylon ammodendron communities. The shrubby halophytic communities consist mainly of Tamarix passerinoides Delile, Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M.Bib. and Seidlitzia rosmarinuBunge ex Boiss. Around Houz-e-Soltan and Namk lake (Figure 7I and L).
The main distinguishing trait of the eastern and northern of Qom, south of Namk lake, is the Sand-dune (psammophyte) vegetation types. The dominant representative species in these communities is Haloxylon ammodendron. These communities form on fixed sands or are cultivated in some areas, particularly around Hosein Abad Mishmast (Figure 7J). Other woody species found in these areas include Tamarix and Calligonum species, as well as annual species such as Cornulaca aucheri Moq..
In springs, streams, and rivers, there are various aquatic and hygrophilous vegetation types. These communities are primarily comprised of several main species that thrive along freshwater streams. These include Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., Typha domingensis Pers., Ranunculus aquatilis L., Nasturtium officinale R.Br., and Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. species, which grow directly in the water. Mentha longifolia (L.) L., as well as Salix and Tamarix species, are found along the margins of streams in Bidghan and Ghahan rivers (Figure 7K). well-developed communities of Tamarix are found along brackish rivers such as Qomrood, Qare Chay, Jajrood and Shoor permanent rivers.
Construction, farmlands, overgrazing, fire and over-exploitation, have significantly impacted the natural vegetation in the studied area particularly over recent decades. Consequently, numerous invasive, weedy, and ruderal species have proliferated in disturbed vegetation types, urbanized areas and grazed lands, roadsides, and cultivated lands. In over- grazed land, natural vegetation has been replaced by Rosa persica (Figure 8A), Gundelia tournefortii, and Euphorbia species communities in the mountainous area and Peganum harmala and Alhagi pseudalhagi communities in the plain areas. Salsola kali and Artemisia scoparia communities are found along mountainous roadsides, while Alhagi pseudalhagi and Salsola crassa are found along plain roadsides. Alhagi pseudalhagi and Prosopis farcta communities occur in abandoned farmland.
Figure 8. A) Rosa persica Michx. ex Juss., B) Pistacia atlantica Desf., C) Tulipa biebersteiniana Schult. & Schult.f., D) Acer monspessulanum L., E) Colchicum persicum Baker, F) Cheilanthes acrostica (Balbis) Tod., G) Hyoscyamus pusillus L., H) Bassia eriophora (Schrad.) Asch. and I) Cleome coluteoides Boiss.
As shown in Figure 9, according to ≥3000 records (including collected and observed specimens, as well as species recorded in Flora Iranica (1963-2015) and Flora of Iran (1987-2023), from Qom province) related to the studied plant taxa and species richness analysis, Veshnaveh is found to be the richest area, while Paleng Darreh and Khondan are standing in the next ranks.
Figure 9. A) Map of species richness in 0.1-degree grid cells in Qom province and B) Map of species records collected in this study
Discussion and Conclusion
This study argues the floristic composition of Qom province, which is important for obtaining comprehensive information regarding the studied region. Based on available literature such as Flora of Iran (Assadi et al., 1987-2023) and Flora Iranica (Rechinger, 1963-2015) and previous studies (medicinal plants, cover types, seed bank, pasture plants, study of salinity, etc.), 109 species have been reported for the first time from Qom province (* on numbers in Table 3).
Asteraceae is selected to be the most diverse family in Iran (Ghahremaninejad & Falatoury 2016), and the current study also confirmed this idea. In the case of deserts and salty lands, Chenopodiaceae is considered to be the richest family.
According to the Myers et al. (2000) statement, endemic species showed a greater vulnerability than the remaining taxa. Sixty-three species in studied region (Table 3) are found to be the endemics of Iran. Species richness is one of the most important criteria for regional diversity and it has been used for numerous ecological models and environmental conservation strategies (Ejtehadi et al., 2013). The highest level of conservation in Qom province is noticed in Palang Darreh protected area, but Veshnaveh is indicated the higher level of species richness. It is suggested to improve the protection level of the prohibited hunting in Veshnaveh region.
Irano-Turanian floristic region is characterized by high rate of speciation, and taxa such as Astragalus and Cousinia are reported to be the largest genera in this region (Takhtajan, 1986). The present research is thoroughly following this idea, and both genera mentioned above are listed therein.
Climate (temperature and precipitation) influences the life form types of the floristic regions (Körner, 1998; Norouzi et al., 2019). As a result, in this study, therophytes (37.9%) and hemicryptophytes (35.1%) are over-presented in Qom province, while geophyte (8.6%) and phanerophyte (6.5%) life forms are under-represented. Based on Klimes (2003) and Di Biase et al. (2021) statements and our results, annual plants (Therophytes) with high adaptation to intolerable conditions are limited to warmer and lower elevations, while hemicryptophytes prefer higher elevations (Table 2). Biological spectra are dissimilar in plant vegetations of the plains, deserts and the mountainous regions. Therophytes are the most common life-form in plain and desert areas, while hemicryptophytes are almost dominant in the mountainous regions (Table 2).
Environmental conditions directly effect on the species richness of the families occurred within plain and mountainous regions of Qom province (Table 2). The largest family in mountainus regions (mountainus areas of Qom, Kobar and Ghamsar) is Asteraceae, while the largest family in plain and desert region (plain areas of Qom, Garmsar and Aran va Bidgol) is belonging to Chenopodiaceae. In terms of the number of species, Chenopodiaceae is the 10th family in mountainous regions of this province.
Table 2. Comparison of elevational range, life form spectra, chorology, the families with the highest species richness in Qom province
Studies |
Elevational range (m)
Biological spectrum (per %) |
Irano Turanian elements (Per %) |
Richest families (Species numbre) |
Hemicryptophytes |
Therophytes |
Chamaephytes |
Geophytes |
Phanerophytes |
Mountainus areas of Qom Province |
1300-3200 |
42.2 |
28.6 |
13.9 |
10.4 |
5 |
62.3 |
Asteraceae (74), Fabaceae (47), Lamiaceae (43) and Apiaceae (29) |
Kobar (Tavakkoli and Mozaffarian 2005) |
1050-3070 |
41.9 |
29.6 |
12.9 |
11 |
4.6 |
84.7 |
Asteraceae (79), Fabaceae (42), Brassicaceae (38) and Lamiaceae (35) |
Ghamsar (Batooli 2019) |
1300-3320 |
32.2 |
31.9 |
7.2 |
9.7 |
11.9 |
66.1 |
Asteraceae (76), Lamiaceae (50), Poaceae (50) and Fabaceae (47) |
Plain and dessert areas of Qom province |
750-1300 |
25 |
45.4 |
13.2 |
4.3 |
12.1 |
53.5 |
Chenopodiaceae (54), Asteraceae (45), Fabaceae (35) and Poaceae (25) |
Garmsar (Iranbakhsh et al. 2008) |
800-1600 |
10.8 |
50.3 |
18.7 |
10.5 |
9.9 |
55.9 |
Chenopodiaceae (56), Poaceae (52), Asteraceae (45) and Boraginaceae (24) |
Aran & Bidgol (Batooli 2018) |
765-1138 |
19.3 |
44 |
11.2 |
8.8 |
17.3 |
59 |
Chenopodiaceae (60), Asteraceae (37), Poaceae (33) and Brassicaceae (30) |
The nature of Qom province is under threat from various factors. These include fires caused by people, road construction that leads to the fragmentation of habitats and natural landscapes, polluting industries that release dangerous waste and contribute to air and land pollution, stone extraction mines, over-harvesting of medicinal plants, and overgrazing. Additionally, the creation of six large dams (15 Khordad, Golpayegan, Ghadir, AmirKabir, Latyan, and Mamloo) on the permanent rivers of Qom province, hinder the flow of water to Masileh plain and the Salt Lake, resulting in vegetation loss and desertification. These factors suggest significant threats to the nature of the province. This research is a continuation of investigations on the flora of Qom province. A comprehensive field study was devoted to an overview of the species richness along with an examination of the other floristic characteristics of the area. We critically suggest a detailed floristic study in Iran to understand the precise floristic composition (Ghahremaninejad & Falatoury, 2016).
The authors would like to appreciate Shiraz University for their financial support.
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Table 3. List of identified species in Qom Province. Abbreviations are defined as following: ES: Euro-Siberian, Co: Cosmopolitan, Cu:Cultivated, Ea: Eritreo-Arabian, IT: Irano-Turanian, M: Mediterranean, PL: Pluriregion, SS: Saharo-Sindian, SJ: Sino-Japanese, SU: Sudanian (White & Léonard 1991) (Zohary et al. 1980-1994); Chorotypes marked by an asterisk "*" are Endemic of Iran, numbers marked by an asterisk "*" are new records from Qom province that not reported in botanical sources and other literature, Species marked by an asterisk "*" reported in Flora of Iran (1987-2023) and Flora Iranica (1963-2015) from Qom province.; Ch: Chamaephyte, Ge: Geophyte, He: Hemicryptophyte, Ph: Phanerophyte, Th: Therophyte.
Families & species |
Chorotype |
Life form |
Elevational range (meters) |
Habitat |
Angiospermae |
Eudicots |
Amaranthaceae |
1 |
Amaranthus albus L. |
PL |
Th |
1057 |
Weed in farmland |
2 |
Amaranthus blitoides S.Watson |
PL |
Th |
1420 |
Disturbed soil |
3 |
Amaranthus blitum L.* |
PL |
Th |
1080 |
Wet ground near dam lake |
4 |
Amaranthus cruentus L. |
PL |
Th |
1254 |
Weed in farmland |
5 |
Amaranthus graecizans L. * |
PL |
Th |
2060 |
Weed in farmland , on the seasonal waterway |
6 |
Amaranthus retroflexus L. |
PL |
Th |
925-1680 |
Weed in farmland |
7* |
Amaranthus viridis L. |
PL |
Th |
929-1504 |
Weed in farmland |
Anacardiaceae |
8 |
Pistacia atlantica Desf. |
IT/M |
Ph |
1170-2000 |
Montane scrubs |
9* |
Pistacia khinjuk Stocks |
IT |
Ph |
1088-2002 |
On N slope grown on rocky place |
10 |
Rhus coriaria L. |
IT/M |
Ph |
1670-2100 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
Apiaceae |
11 |
Anethum graveolens L. |
PL |
Th |
1389-2479 |
Weed in garden |
12 |
Aphanopleura breviseta (Boiss.) Heywood & Jury * |
IT |
Th |
850-1000 |
Artemisia steppe |
13* |
Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag. |
PL |
He |
1504-1967 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
14 |
Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) Drude |
IT |
Ge |
1667-2220 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
15* |
Astrodaucus persicus (Boiss.) Drude |
IT |
Ge |
2320 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
16 |
Bunium cylindricum (Boiss. & Hohen.) Drude |
IT |
Ge |
900-2956 |
Montane scrubs |
17 |
Bupleurum falcatum L. |
IT/M |
He |
2100-2561 |
Montane scrubs |
18* |
Chaerophyllum macrospermum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex Hohen. |
IT |
He |
1698-2897 |
Montane scrubs ,in bed of valley |
19 |
Conium maculatum L. |
ES/M |
Th |
1834 |
Weed in gardens |
20 |
Ducrosia anethifolia (DC.) Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1667-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
21 |
Echinophora platyloba DC. |
IT* |
He |
1592-2702 |
Disrturbed soil |
22 |
Eryngium billardierei F.Delaroche |
IT |
He |
1596-2715 |
Montane scrubs |
23 |
Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. |
He |
1796-2300 |
Disturbed and wet places |
24 |
Ferula karelinii Bunge * |
IT |
He |
750 |
Artemisia steppe |
25* |
Ferula oopoda (Boiss. & Buhse) Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1201-2047 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
26 |
Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
1400-2400 |
Montane scrubs |
27 |
Ferula szowitziana DC. * |
IT |
He |
1269-1389 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
28 |
Heracleum persicum Desf. ex Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall. |
IT |
He |
1900-2700 |
in wet ground around spring |
29* |
Johrenia platycarpa Boiss. |
IT |
He |
2702 |
Montane scrubs |
30* |
Kalakia marginata (Boiss.) Alava |
IT* |
Th |
1062 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
31 |
Lisaea heterocarpa Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
1600 |
Montane scrubs |
32 |
Pimpinella affinis Ledeb. |
IT |
He |
1748-2064 |
Montane scrubs, in bed of valley |
33 |
Pimpinella aurea DC. |
IT |
He |
1900-2716 |
Montane scrubs, in bed of valley |
34 |
Prangos acaulis Bornm. |
IT |
He |
1855-2300 |
Montane scrubs |
35* |
Prangos asperula Boiss. |
IT |
He |
2500 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
36* |
Prangos cheilanthifolia Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
1576-2165 |
Montane scrubs |
37 |
Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl. |
IT/M |
He |
2020-3208 |
Montane scrubs |
38 |
Prangos uloptera DC. |
IT |
He |
967-2180 |
Montane scrubs |
39 |
Pycnocycla spinosa Decne. * |
IT |
He |
810-1800 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
40 |
Scandix aucheri Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
2597 |
Montane scrubs |
41* |
Scandix iberica M.Bieb. |
IT/M |
Th |
1570 |
Montane scrubs |
42 |
Scandix stellata Banks & Sol. |
IT |
Th |
1032-2200 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
43* |
Seseli olivieri Boiss. |
ES* |
He |
3151 |
Montane scrubs, on pick of the mount |
44 |
Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1787-2339 |
Montane scrubs, in bed of valley |
45 |
Torilis leptophylla (L.) Rchb.f. |
IT/M |
Th |
2093-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
46 |
Turgenia latifolia (L.) Hoffm. * |
Th |
2200 |
Montane scrubs |
47 |
Zosima absinthifolia Link |
IT |
He |
950-2230 |
Montane scrubs, on S slope |
Asclepiadaceae |
48 |
Cynanchum acutum L. |
IT/M |
He |
981 |
On disturbed soil |
Asteraceae |
49 |
Achillea santolinoides Lag. |
IT |
He |
1500-2320 |
In disturbed place, in bed of valley |
50 |
Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit. * |
ES |
He |
1563 |
Montane scrubs |
51 |
Achillea tenuifolia Lam. |
IT |
He |
900-2350 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
52* |
Amberboa nana (Boiss.) Iljin |
IT |
Th |
1206 |
Artemisia steppe, in margin of river |
53 |
Amberboa turanica Iljin |
IT |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
54 |
Anthemis austroiranica "Rech.f., Aellen & Esfand." |
IT/M/SS* |
Th |
1528 |
Montane scrubs |
55 |
Anthemis brachystephana Bornm. & Gauba * |
IT* |
Th |
1259 |
Artemisia steppe |
56 |
Anthemis gayana Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
1350-1358 |
Montane scrubs |
57 |
Anthemis gilanica Bornm. & Gauba * |
IT* |
Th |
1140-1250 |
Artemisia steppe |
58 |
Anthemis hyalina DC. |
IT |
Th |
1281 |
Artemisia steppe, in seasonal dry river |
59 |
Anthemis odontostephana Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
1347-1350 |
Mont ane scrubs, Artemisia steppe |
60 |
Anthemis pseudocotula Boiss. |
Th |
1528 |
Weed in gardens |
61 |
Arctium lappa L. |
He |
1815-2300 |
In wet ground, in bed of valley |
62 |
Artemisia aucheri Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1550-2900 |
Artemisia steppe, on N slope |
63 |
Artemisia deserti Krasch. * |
IT |
Ch |
1283-1394 |
Artemisia steppe |
64 |
Artemisia fragrans Willd. |
IT |
Ch |
1476-2300 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
65 |
Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kitam. |
Th |
1893 |
On road side |
66 |
Artemisia sieberi Besser |
IT |
Ch |
800-2405 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
67* |
Artemisia turcomanica Gand. |
IT |
Ch |
2158 |
In margin of streams in gardens |
68 |
Carduus hamulosus Ehrh. * |
IT |
He |
1050 |
69 |
Carduus pycnocephalus L. |
IT |
Th |
1232-2100 |
Montane scrubs |
70 |
Carthamus oxyacantha M.Bieb. |
IT |
Th |
1358-2020 |
Weed in gardens |
71 |
Centaurea aucheri (DC.) Wagenitz |
IT |
He |
2088-2089 |
Montane scrubs , on NE slope |
72 |
Centaurea bruguierana (DC.) Hand.-Mazz. |
IT |
Th |
968-2075 |
Disturbed soil |
73 |
Centaurea gaubae (Bornm.) Wagenitz |
IT |
He |
1742-1808 |
Montane scrubs |
74 |
Centaurea ispahanica Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
1350-2020 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes, on NE slope grown on rocky place |
75 |
Centaurea virgata Lam. |
IT |
He |
1874-2687 |
Montane scrubs |
76 |
Chardinia orientalis (L.) Kuntze |
IT |
Th |
1708-2208 |
Montane scrubs, on SE slope |
77 |
Chondrilla juncea L. |
IT/M |
He |
1700-2542 |
On road side |
78 |
Cichorium intybus L. |
He |
929-2100 |
Weed in farms & gardens |
79 |
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. |
PL |
He |
1300-2320 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
80 |
Cirsium leucocephalum (Willd.) Spreng. |
IT |
He |
1600-2554 |
Weed in gardens |
81 |
Cirsium sorocephalum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
He |
1400-2855 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
82 |
Cousinia aggregata DC. * |
IT* |
He |
1300 |
Montane scrubs |
83 |
Cousinia amplissima (Boiss.) Boiss. * |
IT* |
He |
2000 |
Montane scrubs |
84 |
Cousinia arakensis Attar & Djavadi * |
IT* |
He |
1900 |
Montane scrubs |
85 |
Cousinia assyriaca Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
He |
1470 |
Montane scrubs |
86 |
Cousinia asterocephala Hausskn. & Bornm. |
IT |
He |
1350 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
87 |
Cousinia belangeri Dc. * |
IT* |
He |
2100 |
Montane scrubs |
88 |
Cousinia calocephala Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
He |
1350-3122 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
89 |
Cousinia congesta Bunge |
IT |
He |
1350-1590 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
90 |
Cousinia cylindracea Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
2208 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
91 |
Cousinia kotschyi Boiss. * |
IT* |
He |
1850-2000 |
Montane scrubs |
92 |
Cousinia leptolepis (Bornm. & Gauba) Rech.f. |
IT |
He |
3122 |
Montane scrubs |
93 |
Cousinia multiloba DC. |
IT |
He |
1720-3122 |
Montane scrubs, on pick of the mount |
94 |
Cousinia nekarmanica Rech.f. |
IT* |
He |
1955-2020 |
Montane scrubs |
95 |
Cousinia onopordioides Ledeb. |
IT |
He |
1350 |
Montane scrubs |
96* |
Cousinia prolifera Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
Th |
860-1088 |
Montane scrubs |
97 |
Crepis kotschyana (Boiss.) Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
870-981 |
Montane scrubs |
98 |
Crepis pulchra L. * |
Th |
2300 |
Montane scrubs |
99 |
Crepis sancta (L.) Bornm. |
Th |
900-2100 |
Montane scrubs |
100 |
Crupina crupinastrum (Moris) Vis. |
IT/M |
Th |
1964 |
Montane scrubs |
101 |
Cyanus depressus (M.Bieb.) Soják |
Th |
1651-2305 |
On road side |
102 |
Echinops acantholepis Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
Th |
900-1764 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
103 |
Echinops cephalotes DC. |
IT |
He |
870-2000 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes, in bed of valley |
104 |
Echinops leiopolyceras Bornm. * |
IT |
He |
1530 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
105 |
Echinops orientalis Trautv. * |
IT |
He |
1800-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
106 |
Echinops polygamus Bunge * |
IT |
He |
1280 |
Artemisia steppe |
107 |
Echinops ritrodes Bunge |
IT |
He |
2458 |
Montane scrubs |
108 |
Echinops robustus Bunge |
IT* |
He |
1100-1210 |
Artemisia steppe |
109* |
Epilasia acrolasia (Bunge) Lipsch. |
IT |
Th |
887 |
In Haloxylon shrubland |
110* |
Erigeron bonariensis L. |
Co |
Th |
915 |
Weed in farms & garden |
111 |
Filago arvensis L. |
Th |
1907 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
112 |
Gundelia tournefortii L. |
IT |
He |
1432-2320 |
Montane scrubs, on over grazed land |
113 |
Gymnarrhena micrantha Desf. |
SS |
Th |
821-1232 |
In sandy soil |
114 |
Helichrysum oligocephalum DC. |
IT |
He |
1853-3218 |
Montane scrubs |
115 |
Heteroderis pusilla (Boiss.) Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppe, in the rocks |
116* |
Inula britannica L. |
PL |
He |
1967 |
in margin of streams of gardens |
117 |
Jurinea berardioides (Boiss.) O.Hoffm. |
IT |
He |
1093 |
Artemisia steppe, on rocks |
118 |
Jurinea carduiformis (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. |
IT |
He |
981-2300 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe on |
119 |
Jurinea heterophylla (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
960 |
Artemisia steppe |
120 |
Jurinea ramosissima Dc. * |
IT |
He |
860 |
Artemisia steppe |
121 |
Koelpinia linearis Pall. |
Th |
820-1680 |
Artemisia steppe, on S slope |
122 |
Koelpinia tenuissima Pavlov & Lipsch. * |
Th |
850-1550 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
123 |
Lactuca glauciifolia Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
900-1300 |
Artemisia steppe |
124 |
Lactuca orientalis (Boiss.) Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1130-2702 |
Montane scrubs |
125* |
Lactuca persica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1836 |
Montane scrubs |
126 |
Lactuca serriola L. |
PL |
He |
929-2300 |
Weed in farmland |
127 |
Lactuca undulata Ledeb. * |
IT |
Th |
1150-1970 |
Artemisia steppe |
128 |
Lasiopogon muscoides (Desf.) DC. * |
Th |
1200 |
Artemisia steppe |
129 |
Launaea acanthodes (Boiss.) Kuntze |
Th |
965-2000 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
130 |
Launaea mucronata (Forssk.) Muschl. |
He |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
131 |
Microcephala lamellata (Bunge) Pobed. * |
IT |
Th |
1900-2000 |
Montane scrubs |
132 |
Oligochaeta minima (Boiss.) Briq. * |
IT |
Th |
965 |
Artemisia steppe |
133 |
Onopordum heteracanthum C.A.Mey. |
IT |
He |
1326-1350 |
Weed in disused farm field |
134 |
Phagnalon nitidum Fresen. |
IT |
He |
1100-1768 |
on rocky place |
135 |
Phagnalon rupestre (L.) DC. * |
IT/M |
He |
1552 |
Montane scrubs |
136 |
Picnomon acarna (L.) Cass. |
IT/M |
Th |
1750-2060 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
137 |
Picris strigosa M.Bieb. * |
IT |
He |
2000-2400 |
Montane scrubs |
138 |
Psephellus leuzeoides (Jaub. & Spach) Wagenitz |
IT |
He |
1861-2500 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
139 |
Pterachaenia stewartii (Hook.f.) R.R.Stewart * |
IT |
Th |
950 |
Artemisia steppe |
140 |
Pulicaria gnaphalodes (Vent.) Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
1040-2000 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
141 |
Rhaponticum repens (L.) Hidalgo |
IT |
He |
1722-2165 |
Weed in farmland |
142 |
Scorzonera lanata M.Bieb. |
IT |
Ge |
1315 |
143 |
Scorzonera mucida Rech.f., Aellen & Esfand. |
IT |
Ge |
1560-3094 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
144 |
Scorzonera ramosissima DC. |
IT |
He |
1784-1920 |
Montane scrubs |
145 |
Scorzonera tortuosissima Boiss. |
He |
985-2020 |
Montane scrubs |
146 |
Senecio glaucus L. |
Th |
965-2237 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
147* |
Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
M |
Th |
2177 |
Montane scrubs , in bed of valley |
148 |
Senecio vulgaris L. |
Th |
1680-2200 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
149 |
Seriphidium oliverianum (Besser) K.Bremer & Humphries ex Y.R.Ling |
IT |
Ch |
1642-1800 |
Montane scrubs |
150 |
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill |
IT/M |
Th |
1450 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
151 |
Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L. * |
Th |
1050-2000 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
152* |
Sonchus tenerrimus L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1990 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
153 |
Takhtajaniantha pusilla (Pall.) Nazarova * |
Ge |
1000-1050 |
Artemisia steppe |
154 |
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip. |
He |
1626-2300 |
Waste places, banks of streams |
155 |
Tanacetum pinnatum Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
1350-2300 |
Montane scrubs |
156 |
Tanacetum polycephalum Sch.Bip. |
IT |
He |
1771-3227 |
Weed in margin of streams of gardens |
157 |
Taraxacum syriacum Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1880-2455 |
Montane scrubs , on NW slope |
158 |
Thevenotia persica DC. * |
IT/M |
Th |
850 |
Artemisia steppe |
159 |
Tragopogon buphthalmoides (DC.) Boiss. * |
IT/M |
He |
1720 |
Montane scrubs |
160 |
Tragopogon porrifolius L. |
IT/M |
He |
1780-2100 |
In cultivated fields |
161 |
Tripleurospermum parviflorum (Willd.) Pobed. |
IT/M |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
162 |
Varthemia persica DC. |
IT |
Ch |
2020-2912 |
Montane scrubs |
163 |
Xanthium strumarium L. |
Th |
1020-2060 |
Weed in garden |
164* |
Xeranthemum longepapposum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
1362 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
165* |
Zoegea purpurea Fresen. |
Th |
981-1805 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
Berberidaceae |
166 |
Berberis integerrima Bunge |
IT |
Ph |
1199-2300 |
Montane scrubs ,on N slope |
167 |
Bongardia chrysogonum (L.) Spach |
IT/M |
Ge |
900-1800 |
168 |
Leontice armeniaca Boiv. |
IT |
Ge |
2025-2100 |
Montane scrubs , on SE slope |
Biebersteiniaceae |
169 |
Biebersteinia multifida DC. |
IT |
Ge |
1350-2647 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
Boraginaceae |
170 |
Anchusa azurea Mill. |
He |
1450-2320 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
171* |
Anchusa strigosa Banks & Sol. |
IT/M |
He |
1500-1569 |
On road side |
172 |
Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & Kralik |
IT/M |
Th |
879-1550 |
In disturbed habitats |
173 |
Arnebia linearifolia A.DC. |
Th |
750-1350 |
In wet ground of dam lake |
174 |
Asperugo procumbens L. |
Th |
900-2000 |
Weed in farmland |
175 |
Heliotropium aucheri DC. |
IT |
He |
846-965 |
Artemisia steppe |
176 |
Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk. * |
He |
800-900 |
Artemisia steppe |
177 |
Heliotropium dasycarpum Ledeb. |
M/IT |
He |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
178 |
Heliotropium dissitiflorum Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
850-1670 |
Artemisia steppe |
179 |
Heliotropium europaeum L. |
M/IT |
Th |
1693-2000 |
Weed in farms & gardens |
180* |
Heliotropium lasiocarpum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
1226-1485 |
In disturbed habitats |
181 |
Heliotropium mesinanum Bunge |
IT |
Th |
1890 |
Montane scrubs |
182 |
Heliotropium samoliflorum Bunge |
IT |
Th |
1240 |
Artemisia steppe |
183 |
Heterocaryum szovitsianum (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) A.DC. |
IT |
Th |
1035-1720 |
In disturbed habitats |
184 |
Lappula barbata (M.Bieb.) Gürke |
Th |
1450-2411 |
Weed in gardens |
185 |
Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Gürke |
IT |
Th |
1500-2350 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
186 |
Lappula sessiliflora Gürke * |
IT |
Th |
1780 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
187 |
Lappula sinaica (A.DC.) Asch. & Schweinf. |
IT |
Th |
1400-2725 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe, around spring under shade of willows |
188 |
Lappula spinocarpos (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze |
IT |
Th |
818-1410 |
Artemisia steppe, saline soils near Salt-marshes |
189 |
Microparacaryum intermedium (Fresen.) Hilger & Podl. |
IT |
Th |
1500 |
Montane scrubs |
190 |
Moltkia caerulea Lehm. * |
IT |
Th |
1300 |
Montane scrubs |
191 |
Nonea caspica (Willd.) G.Don |
IT |
Th |
887-2700 |
Artemisia steppe , Montane scrubs, on N slope |
192 |
Nonea persica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1080-3169 |
Steppe, on S slope |
193 |
Nonea persica var. suchtelenioides |
IT* |
He |
1720 |
Montane scrubs |
194 |
Nonea turcomanica Popov |
IT |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
195 |
Onosma elivendica Wettst. ex Stapf |
IT |
He |
1786-2000 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
196 |
Onosma kilouyensis Boiss. & Hausskn. * |
IT* |
He |
2000 |
Montane scrubs |
197 |
Onosma microcarpa DC. |
IT |
He |
1770-2200 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
198 |
Paracaryum cyclhymenium (Boiss.) Riedl |
IT* |
He |
985-1720 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
199 |
Paracaryum persicum Boiss. * |
IT* |
He |
1200-2000 |
Montane scrubs |
200 |
Paracaryum rugulosum (DC.) Boiss. |
He |
900-1039 |
in wet ground of dam lake |
201 |
Paracaryum strictum Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
202* |
Rochelia persica Bunge ex Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
2208-2926 |
Montane scrubs, on SE slope |
203 |
Solenanthus circinatus Ledeb. |
IT |
He |
1400-2174 |
Montane scrubs ,on SE slope |
204 |
Trichodesma incanum (Bunge) A.DC. |
IT |
He |
1572-2380 |
On road side |
Brassicaceae |
205 |
Aethionema carneum (Banks & Sol.) B.Fedtsch. * |
IT |
Th |
1250 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe e |
206 |
Aethionema spinosum Bornm. |
IT |
Ch |
1043-2587 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe e |
207 |
Aethionema virgatum (Boiss.) Hedge |
IT |
Ch |
1550-2771 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
208 |
Alyssum bracteatum Boiss. & Buhse |
IT |
He |
1000-1900 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
209 |
Alyssum dasycarpum Stephan ex Willd. * |
IT |
Th |
1500-2000 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
210 |
Alyssum linifolium Stephan ex Willd. |
IT |
Th |
1039-1600 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe, in wet ground of dam lake |
211 |
Alyssum stapfii Vierh. |
IT |
Th |
1257-1706 |
212 |
Alyssum szovitsianum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
825-1429 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
213 |
Alyssum tortuosum Willd. |
IT |
He |
1764-2932 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
214 |
Arabis nova Vill. |
IT/M |
Th |
1600-2237 |
Montane scrubs , on E slope |
215 |
Asperuginoides axillaris (Boiss. & Hohen.) Rauschert |
IT |
Th |
1890 |
In damp and shaded place |
216 |
Brassica deflexa Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
1500 |
217 |
Camelina rumelica Velen. |
Th |
2027 |
Montane scrubs , on NE slope |
218 |
Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC. |
IT |
Th |
1039-2300 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
219 |
Clypeola dichotoma Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
1550-1900 |
Montane scrubs |
220 |
Clypeola jonthlaspi L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1450-2091 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
221 |
Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl |
PL |
Th |
1212-2000 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
222 |
Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. |
SS |
Th |
896-1284 |
Artemisia steppe, on S slope |
223 |
Draba nuda (Bél.) Al-Shehbaz & M.Koch |
IT |
Th |
2098 |
Montane scrubs |
224 |
Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. |
IT/M |
Th |
900-1900 |
Weed in farmlands |
225 |
Euclidium syriacum (L.) R.Br. * |
IT |
Th |
1700-2220 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
226 |
Fibigia umbellata (Boiss.) Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1700-2028 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
227 |
Goldbachia laevigata (M.Bieb.) DC. |
IT |
Th |
877-2200 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
228 |
Graellsia saxifragifolia (DC.) Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1800-2494 |
Montane scrubs , on rocky place |
229 |
Hesperis persica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1800-2921 |
Montane scrubs |
230* |
Hornungia procumbens (L.) Hayek |
PL |
Th |
1465 |
Montane scrubs |
231 |
Isatis armena L. |
IT |
Th |
1700 |
Montane scrubs |
232 |
Isatis minima Bunge |
IT |
Th |
877-1447 |
Artemisia steppe, on E slope |
233 |
Isatis stylophora (Jaub. & Spach) Hadac & Chrtek |
IT |
Th |
Montane scrubs |
234 |
Isatis zarrei Al-Shehbaz, Moazzeni & Mumm. |
IT* |
Th |
1452-2900 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
235 |
Lepidium draba L. |
He |
1183-2000 |
Weed in farmland |
236 |
Lepidium latifolium L. |
M/IT |
He |
929-2200 |
Weed in farmland |
237 |
Lepidium persicum Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1043-2943 |
Montane scrubs |
238 |
Lepidium vesicarium L. |
IT |
He |
1039-1750 |
in wet ground of dam lake |
239 |
Leptaleum filifolium (Willd.) DC. * |
IT |
Th |
2450 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
240* |
Matthiola chenopodiifolia Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
877-1742 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
241 |
Matthiola ovatifolia Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1990 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
242 |
Nasturtium officinale R.Br. |
He |
1805-2200 |
In spring pool |
243 |
Neotorularia torulosa (Desf.) Hedge & J.Léonard |
PL |
Th |
750-2100 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
244 |
Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv. |
M |
Th |
1433-2972 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes , on S slope |
245 |
Olimarabidopsis pumila (Celak.) Al-Shehbaz, O'Kane & R.A.Price |
IT |
Th |
1380-2091 |
Montane scrubs |
246 |
Plagioloba clavata (Boiss.) A.R. Khosravi & A. Eslami-Farouji * |
IT |
Th |
247 |
Pseudocamelina glaucophylla N.Busch * |
IT |
He |
2974 |
Montane scrubs |
248 |
Raphanus raphanistrum L. |
M/ES |
Th |
1050-2497 |
Weed in gardens |
249 |
Schimpera arabica Hochst. & Steud. |
SS |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
250 |
Sisymbrium irio L. * |
IT/M |
Th |
900-2000 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
251 |
Sisymbrium loeselii L. |
Th |
1200-2636 |
Weed in gardens |
252* |
Sisymbrium septulatum DC. |
IT |
Th |
2072 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
253 |
Sterigmostemum acanthocarpum Kuntze |
IT |
Th |
900-1250 |
Artemisia steppe |
254 |
Sterigmostemum incanum M.Bieb. |
IT |
Th |
1900-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
255* |
Sterigmostemum longistylum (Boiss.) Kuntze |
IT |
Th |
1416 |
256 |
Sterigmostemum sulphureum Bornm. * |
IT |
Th |
1200-2200 |
In disturbed habitat |
257 |
Strigosella africana (L.) Botsch. |
Th |
900-1195 |
In disturbed habitat |
258 |
Strigosella strigosa (Boiss.) Botsch. * |
IT |
Th |
900-1195 |
Artemisia steppe |
259 |
Strigosella taraxacifolia (DC.) Botsch. |
IT |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppe |
Caesalpiniaceae |
260 |
Cercis griffithii Boiss. |
Ph |
1444 |
Cultivated |
Campanulaceae |
261 |
Campanula rapunculoides L. * |
ES |
He |
2190 |
In streams of garden |
262* |
Campanula sclerotricha Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1975-2320 |
Montane scrubs |
Cannabaceae |
263 |
Celtis australis L. |
Ph |
1200-2096 |
Capparaceae |
264 |
Capparis spinosa L. |
PL |
He |
850-2100 |
In disturbed habitat |
Caprifoliaceae |
265 |
Lonicera nummulariifolia Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
Ph |
1932 |
Montane scrubs , On N slope |
Caryophyllaceae |
266 |
Acanthophyllum laxiusculum Schiman-Czeika |
IT |
Ch |
1327-2411 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
267 |
Acanthophyllum mucronatum C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Ch |
1361-2821 |
Montane scrubs , on S slope, grown on rocky place |
268 |
Acanthophyllum sordidum Bunge ex Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1250-3122 |
Montane scrubs ,Grown on NE slope |
269 |
Acanthophyllum squarrosum Boiss. * |
IT |
Ch |
1500-1900 |
Montane scrubs |
270 |
Arenaria bungei Barkoudah * |
PL |
Th |
950 |
Steppe |
271* |
Arenaria lessertiana Fenzl |
IT |
Ch |
3094 |
Montane scrubs |
272 |
Bufonia macrocarpa Ser. * |
IT |
Ch |
1800-1900 |
273 |
Cerastium dichotomum L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1444-2935 |
Montane scrubs |
274* |
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. |
Th |
925 |
weed in garden |
275 |
Dianthus crinitus Sm. |
IT |
Ch |
1394-2838 |
Montane scrubs , on E slope |
276 |
Dianthus crossopetalus (Fenzl ex Boiss.) Grossh. |
IT |
Ch |
1417-1703 |
Montane scrubs |
277* |
Dianthus orientalis Adams |
IT |
Ch |
959-2900 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
278 |
Eremogone insignis (Litv.) Ikonn. |
IT |
Ch |
2128-3003 |
Montane scrubs |
279* |
Eremogone tetrasticha (Boiss.) Ikonn. |
IT |
Ch |
2128 |
Montane scrubs |
280 |
Eremogone zargariana (Parsa) Holub |
IT |
Ch |
1248 |
Montane scrubs |
281 |
Gastrocalyx ampullatus (Boiss.) Schischk. |
IT |
He |
1650 |
Montane scrubs |
282* |
Gypsophila diffusa Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex Rupr. |
IT |
He |
2135-2320 |
Montane scrubs |
283 |
Gypsophila pilosa Huds. |
IT |
Th |
1347-2070 |
In disturbed habitats |
284 |
Herniaria hirsuta L. |
PL |
Th |
818-1394 |
In wet ground of dam lake |
285 |
Holosteum umbellatum L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1600-2711 |
on E slope |
286 |
Lepyrodiclis stellarioides Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
2000-2190 |
Montane scrubs ,around spring under shade of willows |
287 |
Mesostemma kotschyana (Fenzl ex Boiss.) Vved. |
IT |
He |
1890-2351 |
Montane scrubs |
288* |
Minuartia hamata (Hausskn.) Mattf. |
IT/M |
Th |
1315 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
289 |
Minuartia meyeri (Boiss.) Bornm. |
IT/M |
Th |
1269-1996 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
290 |
Minuartia picta (Sibth. & Sm.) Bornm. * |
IT |
Th |
1470 |
Montane scrubs |
291 |
Paronychia kurdica Boiss. |
PL |
He |
967-1796 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
292 |
Silene arabica Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
800 |
293 |
Silene brahuica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
2179-2900 |
Montane scrubs ,on NE slope |
294 |
Silene chaetodonta Boiss. |
IT/M |
Th |
1347-2000 |
295* |
Silene chlorifolia Sm. |
IT |
He |
1803 |
Montane scrubs ,on N slope |
296* |
Silene coniflora Nees ex Otth |
IT |
Th |
1254 |
Artemisia steppe |
297 |
Silene conoidea L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1044-2220 |
Weed in disturbed habitats |
298 |
Silene gynodioica Ghaz. |
IT |
He |
1786-2800 |
Montane scrubs , on NE slope |
299 |
Silene latifolia Poir. |
He |
2000-2658 |
Montane scrubs , in stream of spring |
300* |
Spergularia bocconei (Scheele) Asch. & Graebn. |
PL |
Th |
825 |
Saline waste places |
301* |
Spergularia diandra (Guss.) Heldr. |
Th |
877 |
Saline waste places |
302 |
Spergularia marina (L.) Besser * |
PL |
Th |
1170 |
Saline waste places |
303 |
Spergularia media (L.) C.Presl * |
PL |
Th |
1700 |
Saline waste places |
304 |
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. |
PL |
Th |
1900-2126 |
Wet ground around spring |
305 |
Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert * |
M |
Th |
1560-2200 |
In disturbed habitats |
Chenopodiaceae |
306* |
Agriophyllum latifolium Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
896 |
On sand dune |
307* |
Agriophyllum minus Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
PL |
Th |
1039 |
wet ground of dam lake |
308 |
Anabasis haussknechtii Bunge ex Boiss. * |
He |
878 |
Sandy-clay soil, semidesert, salt desert |
309 |
Anabasis setifera Moq. |
He |
780-1105 |
Salt-marshes |
310 |
Anthochlamys multinervis Rech.f. |
IT* |
Th |
780-1800 |
Gypsum soil |
311 |
Anthochlamys polygaloides (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Moq. |
Th |
900-1226 |
Salt steppe |
312 |
Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. * |
W. & SW. Am. |
Ph |
820-1050 |
Sand and clay soils |
313 |
Atriplex dimorphostegia Kar. & Kir. |
Th |
915-1000 |
Weed in farmland |
314 |
Atriplex griffithii Moq. * |
IT |
Ph |
950-1650 |
Gypsum soil |
315 |
Atriplex halimus L. * |
PL |
Ph |
1050 |
Cultivated |
316 |
Atriplex leucoclada Boiss. |
He |
950-1550 |
Weed in disused farmland |
317 |
Atriplex tatarica L. |
Th |
861-980 |
Disturbed soil |
318 |
Bassia eriophora (Schrad.) Asch. |
Th |
887 |
Margin of sand dune |
319 |
Bassia prostrata (L.) Beck * |
PL |
Ch |
1000-2310 |
Gypsum soil |
320 |
Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J.Scott |
PL |
Th |
1360-1550 |
Cultivated , roadside |
321 |
Bassia stellaris (Moq.) Bornm. * |
IT |
Th |
1130-2100 |
Artemisia steppe |
322 |
Beta vulgaris L. |
PL |
Th |
2497 |
Weed in farmland |
323 |
Bienertia cycloptera Bunge * |
PL |
Th |
800 |
In Salt-marshes with moist soil |
324 |
Ceratocarpus arenarius L. |
PL |
Th |
900-1210 |
Artemisia steppe |
325 |
Chenopodium album L. |
PL |
Th |
929-1955 |
Weed in farmland |
326* |
Chenopodium novopokrovskyanum (Aellen) Uotila |
IT |
Th |
925 |
Weed in gardens |
327 |
Cornulaca aucheri Moq. |
Th |
800-1060 |
Sandy ground |
328 |
Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants * |
PL |
Th |
978 |
roadsides, fields, gardens |
329 |
Gamanthus gamocarpus (Moq.) Bunge * |
IT |
Th |
780-950 |
Salty places |
330 |
Girgensohnia oppositiflora (Pall.) Fenzl |
IT |
Th |
780-2044 |
on road side |
331 |
Halanthium purpureum Bunge |
IT |
Th |
896-1100 |
In moderately salty lands |
332 |
Halanthium rarifolium K.Koch |
IT |
Th |
830-1060 |
Salt-marshes |
333* |
Halimocnemis azarbaijanensis Assadi |
IT* |
Th |
920 |
334 |
Halimocnemis molissima Bunge * |
IT |
Th |
900-950 |
In relatively salty lands |
335 |
Halocharis sulphurea (Moq.) Moq. * |
Th |
874 |
Gypsum and Salt-marsheses |
336 |
Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M.Bieb. |
PL |
Ch |
750-900 |
saline and humid soil around Salt-marshes |
337 |
Halopeplis pygmaea (Pall.) Bunge ex Ung.-Sternb. |
IT |
Th |
800-896 |
saline and humid soil around Salt-marshes |
338 |
Halostachys belangeriana (Moq.) Botsch. * |
IT |
Ph |
800-900 |
Salt-flats |
339 |
Halothamnus auriculus (Moq.) Botsch. |
IT |
Ch |
820-1079 |
Salt-marshes |
340 |
Halothamnus cinerascens (Moq.) Kothe-Heinr. * |
IT |
Ch |
860-1100 |
Salt-marshes |
341 |
Halothamnus glaucus (M.Bieb.) Botsch. |
IT |
Ch |
900-1033 |
In moderately salty lands |
342 |
Halothamnus subaphyllus (C.A.Mey.) Botsch. * |
IT |
Ch |
780 |
Artemisia steppe |
343 |
Halotis pilifera Botsch. |
IT |
Th |
780-994 |
In disturbed soil |
344 |
Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.Mey.) Bunge ex Fenzl |
IT |
Ph |
802-887 |
Sandy ground |
345 |
Kalidium caspicum (L.) Ung.-Sternb. * |
IT |
Ph |
896 |
Saline soil |
346 |
Noaea mucronata (Forssk.) Asch. & Schweinf. |
IT |
Ch |
900-1855 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppe |
347 |
Panderia pilosa Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
1700 |
In disturbed habitat |
348 |
Salicornia europaea L. * |
PL |
Th |
750-800 |
Wet salty soils |
349 |
Salsola arbuscula Pall. |
IT |
Ch |
1519 |
In moderately salty lands |
350 |
Salsola aucheri (Moq.) Bunge ex Iljin |
IT |
Ch |
800 |
Gypsum soils |
351* |
Salsola cana K.Koch |
IT |
Ch |
920 |
Gypsum soils |
352 |
Salsola crassa M.Bieb. |
IT |
Th |
780-1000 |
Salt-marshes |
353 |
Salsola imbricata Forssk. |
Ch |
915-959 |
Salt-marshes |
354 |
Salsola incanescens C.A.Mey. |
PL |
Th |
800-1033 |
Weed in farmland |
355 |
Salsola jordanicola Eig |
Th |
780-1050 |
Salt-marshes |
356 |
Salsola kali L. |
PL |
Th |
1040-2497 |
road side |
357 |
Salsola kerneri (Woł.) Botsch. * |
Ch |
1500 |
Sandy soil, steppe |
358 |
Salsola laricina Pall. * |
SS/ IT |
Ch |
950-1000 |
359 |
Salsola nitraria Pall. * |
PL |
Th |
800-1070 |
Moderately saline soils |
360 |
Salsola orientalis S.G.Gmel. * |
IT |
Ch |
900-1100 |
Slightly saline soils of slopes and plains |
361 |
Salsola sclerantha C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Th |
950 |
On sand dunes |
362 |
Salsola soda L. * |
PL |
Th |
850 |
Salt-marshes |
363 |
Salsola tomentosa (Moq.) Spach * |
IT |
Ch |
800-1000 |
Moderately saline soils |
364 |
Salsola turcomanica Litv. * |
IT |
Th |
780-9800 |
Salt-marshes |
365 |
Seidlitzia florida (M.Bieb.) Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
900-1050 |
Salt steppes |
366 |
Seidlitzia rosmarinus Bunge ex Boiss. |
Ph |
780-924 |
Sandy or stony desert or semi-desert |
367* |
Spinacia turkestanica Iljin |
IT |
Th |
1576 |
Roadsides, fields and gardens |
368* |
Suaeda acuminata (C.A.Mey.) Moq. |
IT |
Th |
818-950 |
Salt marshes and the bed of salty rivers |
369 |
Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselq.) Zohary |
Th |
805-915 |
Salt-marshes |
370 |
Suaeda arcuata Bunge * |
IT |
Th |
800-1100 |
Salt-marshes |
371 |
Suaeda heterophylla Bunge ex Boiss. * |
PL |
Th |
895 |
Salt-marshes |
372 |
Suaeda microphylla Pall. * |
IT |
Ph |
958 |
373 |
Suaeda vermiculata Forssk. ex J.F.Gmel. |
Ph |
780-830 |
Slightly saline soil |
Cleomaceae |
374 |
Cleome coluteoides Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1001-1748 |
Foothills and low-mountain |
375 |
Cleome iberica DC. * |
IT/M |
Th |
1130-1300 |
In Disturbed habitats |
Convolvulaceae |
376 |
Convolvulus arvensis L. |
PL |
He |
1550-1809 |
Weed in fields and gardens |
377 |
Convolvulus commutatus Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1500 |
Montane scrubs |
378 |
Convolvulus eremophilus Boiss. & Buhse * |
IT |
He |
965-1050 |
Artemisia steppes |
379 |
Convolvulus erinaceus Ledeb. * |
IT |
He |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
380 |
Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr. |
IT |
He |
929-1390 |
In farmland |
381 |
Cressa cretica L. |
PL |
He |
861-929 |
Salt marshes |
Crassulaceae |
382 |
Pseudosedum multicaule (Boiss. & Buhse) Boriss. |
IT |
He |
2100-2351 |
Montane scrubs , on rocky place |
383 |
Rosularia sempervivum (M.Bieb.) A.Berger |
IT |
He |
1036-2123 |
Montane scrubs, rocky place |
384 |
Sedum hispanicum L. |
Th |
1808 |
Montane scrubs |
385 |
Umbilicus intermedius Boiss. |
IT/M |
Ge |
1032 |
Under shade of rock, on N slope |
Cucurbitaceae |
386 |
Bryonia aspera Steven ex Ledeb. |
IT |
He |
1955-2400 |
Montane scrubs |
Cuscutaceae |
387 |
Cuscuta babylonica Aucher ex Choisy |
IT |
Th |
1150 |
Parasite on Alhagi |
388 |
Cuscuta campestris Yunck. |
Co |
Th |
929-1955 |
Parasite on Alhagi |
Dipsacaceae |
389 |
Lomelosia olivieri (Coult.) Greuter & Burdet |
IT |
He |
1517-1539 |
Montane scrubs |
390 |
Pterocephalus canus Coult. ex DC. |
IT |
He |
1710-2926 |
Montane scrubs |
391 |
Scabiosa deserticola Rech.f. * |
IT |
Th |
1450 |
392* |
Scabiosa persica Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
960-1434 |
Montane scrubs, on S slope |
Euphorbiaceae |
393 |
Chrozophora sabulosa Kar. & Kir. * |
SS |
Th |
900 |
On road side |
394 |
Chrozophora tinctoria (L.) A.Juss. * |
IT/M |
Th |
1032-1970 |
On road side |
395 |
Euphorbia boissieriana (Woronow) Prokh. |
IT |
He |
1450-2190 |
Montane scrubs |
396 |
Euphorbia buhsei Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1339 |
on N slope grown on rocky places |
397* |
Euphorbia chamaesyce L. |
IT/M |
Th |
976-1504 |
Weed in gardens |
398 |
Euphorbia cheiradenia Boiss. & Hohen. * |
IT |
He |
1586 |
Montane scrubs |
399 |
Euphorbia densa Schrenk |
IT |
Th |
1550-1955 |
Weed in gardens |
400 |
Euphorbia gedrosiaca Rech.f., Aellen & Esfand. * |
IT |
He |
1240 |
Artemisia steppes |
401 |
Euphorbia granulata Forssk. * |
Th |
1200-1730 |
402 |
Euphorbia microsciadia Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1000-1955 |
Montane scrubs |
403* |
Euphorbia peplus L. |
Th |
925 |
Weed in gardens |
404 |
Euphorbia petiolata Banks & Sol. |
IT/M |
Th |
936-1284 |
405 |
Euphorbia polycaulis Boiss. & Hohen. |
IT* |
He |
1415-3169 |
Montane scrubs |
406 |
Euphorbia seguieriana Neck. |
He |
1100-1504 |
Weed in gardens |
407* |
Euphorbia szovitsii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
1269-1389 |
Montane scrubs |
Fabaceae |
408 |
Alhagi maurorum Medik. |
IT |
He |
830-1220 |
409 |
Alhagi pseudalhagi (M.Bieb.) Desv. ex B.Keller & Shap. |
IT |
He |
929-2165 |
Weed in farmlands |
410* |
Astragalus abditus Podlech |
IT* |
He |
3094 |
Montane scrubs |
411 |
Astragalus aegobromus Boiss. & Hohen. |
IT |
He |
1450-3016 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
412 |
Astragalus ajubensis Bunge |
IT |
He |
1648-1892 |
Montane scrubs |
413 |
Astragalus anacamptus Bunge * |
IT* |
He |
1600 |
Montane scrubs |
414 |
Astragalus argyroides Beck * |
IT |
He |
1360 |
Montane scrubs |
415 |
Astragalus ashtianensis Podlech & Maassoumi * |
IT* |
He |
1800 |
Montane scrubs |
416 |
Astragalus askius Bunge |
IT |
He |
1877 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
417 |
Astragalus bakaliensis Bunge |
IT |
Th |
900-1200 |
418 |
Astragalus biarjmandicus Podlech & Zarre * |
IT |
Ch |
870 |
Artemisia steppe |
419 |
Astragalus bombycinus Boiss. * |
Th |
1100 |
Artemisia steppes |
420* |
Astragalus botryophorus Maassoumi & Podlech |
IT* |
He |
2591-2636 |
Montane scrubs |
421 |
Astragalus brachyodontus Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
1140-1933 |
Scrubs, on NW slope |
422 |
Astragalus brevifructus Podlech |
IT |
He |
1850 |
Montane scrubs |
423 |
Astragalus callistachys Buhse * |
IT* |
Ch |
1200-1360 |
Artemisia steppes |
424 |
Astragalus caraganae Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
He |
2150 |
Montane scrubs |
425 |
Astragalus cemerinus Beck |
IT* |
Ch |
942-2165 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia |
426 |
Astragalus cephalanthus DC. |
IT* |
Ch |
1698-1877 |
Montane scrubs |
427* |
Astragalus chrysostachys Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1576 |
Montane scrubs |
428* |
Astragalus comosus Bunge |
IT |
He |
3074 |
Montane scrubs, on SE slope |
429 |
Astragalus compactus Lam. * |
IT |
Ch |
2504 |
Montane scrubs |
430 |
Astragalus crenatus Schult. * |
Th |
1650 |
431* |
Astragalus dactylocarpus Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1160 |
Artemisia steppe, on S slope |
432 |
Astragalus daenaensis Boiss. |
IT |
He |
2850 |
Montane scrubs |
433 |
Astragalus effusus Bunge |
IT |
He |
1576-2149 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
434 |
Astragalus floccosus Boiss. * |
IT* |
Ch |
1300-1500 |
Montane scrubs |
435 |
Astragalus glaucacanthos Fisch. |
IT* |
Ch |
850-1784 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppe |
436 |
Astragalus gossypinus Fisch. |
IT |
Ch |
1250-1564 |
Montane scrubs |
437 |
Astragalus guttatus Banks & Sol. |
IT |
Th |
1750 |
Montane scrubs |
438 |
Astragalus harpilobus Kar. & Kir. * |
PL |
Th |
750 |
Artemisia steppes |
439 |
Astragalus hauarensis Boiss. |
PL |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
440 |
Astragalus hirtus Bunge |
IT |
He |
1867 |
Montane scrubs |
441 |
Astragalus indistinctus Podlech & Maassoumi * |
IT* |
He |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
442 |
Astragalus ischredensis Bunge |
IT |
He |
1250 |
Artemisia steppes |
443 |
Astragalus kerkukiensis Bornm. * |
IT |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
444 |
Astragalus kirrindicus Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
1800 |
Montane scrubs |
445 |
Astragalus lagopoides Lam. |
IT |
Ch |
1950 |
446* |
Astragalus latifolius Lam. |
IT |
He |
1202-1271 |
Artemisia steppes |
447 |
Astragalus longistylus Bunge |
IT |
Ch |
1350 |
Artemisia steppes |
448 |
Astragalus macrocephalus Willd. |
IT |
He |
1648-1900 |
Montane scrubs |
449 |
Astragalus macropelmatus Bunge |
IT |
He |
1279-1799 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
450 |
Astragalus mesoleios Boiss. & Hohen. * |
IT |
Ch |
2250 |
Montane scrubs |
451 |
Astragalus mucronifolius Boiss. |
IT* |
Ch |
1140-1417 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
452 |
Astragalus nalbandanicus Podlech * |
IT* |
He |
1250 |
Artemisia steppes |
453 |
Astragalus ovinus Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
1860 |
Montane scrubs |
454 |
Astragalus oxyglottis M.Bieb. * |
IT |
Th |
1300 |
Low sand dunes |
455 |
Astragalus podolobus Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
900-1195 |
Artemisia steppes |
456* |
Astragalus ptychophyllus Boiss. |
IT* |
Ch |
1795 |
Montane scrubs |
457 |
Astragalus schahrudensis Bunge * |
IT |
He |
1900 |
Montane scrubs |
458 |
Astragalus schimperi Boiss. |
Th |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
459 |
Astragalus sitiens Bunge |
IT |
He |
1270 |
Artemisia steppes |
460 |
Astragalus spachianus Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
1710-2717 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
461 |
Astragalus squarrosus Bunge |
IT |
He |
885-1080 |
Artemisia steppes |
462 |
Astragalus straussii Hausskn. ex Bornm. |
IT* |
Ch |
1836 |
Montane scrubs |
463 |
Astragalus submitis Boiss. & Hohen. |
IT* |
Ch |
3053 |
Montane scrubs , on SE slope |
464 |
Astragalus supervisus (Kuntze) E.Sheld. * |
IT* |
He |
1300-2000 |
Montane scrubs |
465 |
Astragalus teheranicus Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
900-1247 |
scrubs , steep SW slope |
466 |
Astragalus tribuloides Delile |
Th |
825-1200 |
Artemisia steppe |
467 |
Astragalus tricholobus DC. |
IT |
Ch |
1576-1858 |
Montane scrubs , on NW slope |
468 |
Astragalus vanillae Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
981-2150 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
469 |
Chesneya astragalina Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
He |
850-1160 |
Artemisia steppe |
470* |
Cicer anatolicum Alef. |
IT |
He |
2943 |
Montane scrubs |
471 |
Cicer oxyodon Boiss. & Hohen. |
IT |
He |
1962 |
Montane scrubs |
472 |
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. |
Ge |
929-1808 |
In disturbed habitats |
473 |
Hedysarum wrightianum Aitch. & Baker * |
IT |
He |
1900-2000 |
Montane scrubs |
474 |
Lotus corniculatus L. |
He |
2294-2554 |
wet ground around spring under shade of willows |
475 |
Lotus michauxianus Ser. |
He |
1687-2553 |
Montane scrubs ,on E slope |
476 |
Medicago lupulina L. |
IT |
Th |
1550-2497 |
Weed in garden |
477 |
Medicago medicaginoides (Retz.) E.Small |
Th |
1288 |
478 |
Medicago monantha (C.A.Mey.) Trautv. |
IT |
Th |
1266-2020 |
Montane scrubs ,on NW slope |
479 |
Medicago radiata L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1801-2230 |
Montane scrubs |
480 |
Medicago sativa L. |
M/IT |
He |
929-2405 |
Farmlands |
481* |
Melilotus albus Medik. |
Th |
1183 |
Weed in garden |
482 |
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. |
Th |
2190-2497 |
Weed in garden |
483 |
Onobrychis aucheri Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
850-2050 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
484 |
Onobrychis cornuta (L.) Desv. |
IT |
Ch |
3011-3161 |
Montane scrubs |
485 |
Onobrychis melanotricha Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
1565-2070 |
Montane scrubs |
486 |
Ononis spinosa L. |
IT/M |
Ch |
2060-2554 |
Moist and waste places |
487 |
Ophiocarpus aitchisonii (Baker) Podlech |
IT |
Th |
881-965 |
Artemisia steppes |
488 |
Securigera varia (L.) Lassen |
ES |
Ge |
1809-2554 |
wet ground around spring under shade of willows |
489 |
Sophora alopecuroides L. |
He |
1200-1801 |
Weed in gardens |
490 |
Trifolium fragiferum L. |
Ge |
1350-1700 |
On damp clay soils |
491 |
Trifolium pratense L. |
IT/M |
He |
1550-2497 |
Wet ground around spring |
492 |
Vicia iranica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
2100-2380 |
Montane scrubs |
493 |
Vicia monantha Retz. |
M/IT |
Th |
900 |
Weed in fields and gardens |
494 |
Vicia narbonensis L. * |
Th |
1250 |
Weed in gardens |
Frankeniaceae |
495 |
Frankenia hirsuta L. |
ES/M |
He |
900-1700 |
Saline soils |
Fumariaceae |
496 |
Fumaria asepala Boiss. |
IT/M |
Th |
1550-2272 |
Wet ground around spring under shade of willows |
497 |
Fumaria vaillantii Loisel. |
Th |
1920-2020 |
Weed in gardens |
Geraniaceae |
498 |
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. |
Th |
1039-1748 |
Wet ground of dam lake |
499 |
Erodium gruinum (L.) L'Hér. |
IT/M |
Th |
1556 |
Montane scrubs |
500 |
Erodium laciniatum (Cav.) Willd. * |
M/SS |
Th |
1080-1140 |
Artemisia steppes |
501 |
Erodium oxyrhinchum M.Bieb. * |
IT |
Th |
750-1550 |
On sand dune, on SE slope |
502* |
Geranium kotschyi Boiss. |
IT |
Ge |
3055-3139 |
Montane scrubs |
503 |
Geranium rotundifolium L. |
Th |
1036 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
504 |
Geranium tuberosum L. |
Ge |
1444-3169 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
Hypericaceae |
505 |
Hypericum hirtellum (Spach) Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1911 |
Montane scrubs |
506 |
Hypericum scabrum L. |
IT |
He |
1660-2519 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
Lamiaceae |
507 |
Ajuga chamaecistus Ging. ex Benth. |
IT/M |
Ch |
1315-1996 |
Montane scrubs, on S slope |
508 |
Chamaesphacos ilicifolius Schrenk * |
PL |
Th |
900 |
509 |
Clinopodium graveolens (M.Bieb.) Kuntze |
IT/M |
Th |
1560-2591 |
Montane scrubs |
510 |
Eremostachys molucelloides Bunge |
IT |
Ge |
1350-2200 |
Montane scrubs, On rocky place |
511 |
Hymenocrater bituminosus Fisch. & C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Ch |
1400-1500 |
Montane scrubs |
512* |
Hymenocrater incanus Bunge |
IT* |
Ch |
1011-1815 |
Artemisia steppe, on N slope |
513 |
Lagochilus macracanthus Fisch. & C.A.Mey. * |
IT* |
Ch |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
514 |
Lallemantia iberica (M.Bieb.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
2048 |
Montane scrubs , on NE slope |
515 |
Lallemantia royleana (Benth.) Benth. |
IT |
Th |
1039-1418 |
margin of river |
516 |
Lamium album L. |
He |
2522-2686 |
Montane scrubs , on NE slope |
517 |
Lamium amplexicaule L. |
He |
1743-2609 |
Montane scrubs , on NE slope |
518 |
Marrubium anisodon K.Koch |
He |
1648-1855 |
Montane scrubs |
519 |
Marrubium cuneatum Banks & Sol. * |
He |
1500-1930 |
Montane scrubs |
520* |
Marrubium parviflorum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
He |
1577 |
Montane scrubs |
521 |
Marrubium vulgare L. |
M/IT |
He |
1600-2250 |
Montane scrubs , |
522 |
Mentha longifolia (L.) L. |
PL |
He |
1504-2763 |
Margin of streams |
523 |
Nepeta cataria L. * |
He |
1700-2000 |
Damp places |
524 |
Nepeta ispahanica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
881-2541 |
Artemisia steppe, on E slope |
525 |
Nepeta laxiflora Benth. |
IT* |
Th |
2678-3208 |
Montane scrubs |
526 |
Nepeta meyeri Benth. * |
IT |
Th |
780-2120 |
Artemisia steppe |
527* |
Nepeta oxyodonta Boiss. |
IT* |
He |
2702 |
Montane scrubs |
528 |
Nepeta persica Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1223-1730 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
529 |
Nepeta pungens (Bunge) Benth. |
IT |
Th |
1955-2926 |
Montane scrubs |
530 |
Nepeta saccharata Bunge |
IT |
Th |
879-2591 |
Artemisia steppe |
531 |
Nepeta teucriifolia Willd. * |
IT |
He |
2000-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
532 |
Phlomis olivieri Benth. |
IT |
He |
1780-2350 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
533 |
Salvia atropatana Bunge |
IT |
He |
2282 |
Montane scrubs |
534 |
Salvia chloroleuca Rech.f. & Aellen |
IT |
He |
1805-2100 |
Montane scrubs |
535 |
Salvia hydrangea DC. ex Benth. |
IT |
Ch |
1836 |
Montane scrubs, on NE slope |
536 |
Salvia limbata C.A.Mey. |
IT |
He |
1742 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
537 |
Salvia macrosiphon Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1742 |
Montane scrubs |
538 |
Salvia multicaulis Vahl |
IT |
Ch |
1500-2786 |
Montane scrubs |
539 |
Salvia nemorosa L. * |
He |
1700-2220 |
Montane scrubs |
540 |
Salvia reuteriana Boiss. * |
IT |
He |
2000 |
Montane scrubs |
541 |
Salvia sclarea L. |
He |
1160-2606 |
Montane scrubs, on rocky place |
542* |
Salvia spinosa L. |
IT |
He |
1043-1088 |
Artemisia steppes |
543 |
Scutellaria multicaulis Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
3151 |
Montane scrubs |
544 |
Scutellaria pinnatifida A.Ham. |
IT |
Ch |
1250-1933 |
Montane scrubs |
545 |
Stachys acerosa Boiss. |
IT* |
Ch |
2020-2717 |
Montane scrubs, on E slope |
546 |
Stachys annua (L.) L. * |
Th |
2200 |
Disturbed places |
547* |
Stachys fruticulosa M.Bieb. |
IT |
Ch |
1088 |
Artemisia steppes |
548 |
Stachys inflata Benth. |
IT |
He |
967-1907 |
Artemisia steppes, on N slope |
549 |
Stachys setifera C.A.Mey. |
IT |
He |
1922-2763 |
wet ground around spring under shade of willows |
550 |
Teucrium orientale L. |
IT |
He |
1576-2190 |
Montane scrubs, on NE slope |
551 |
Teucrium polium L. |
M/IT |
He |
981-1784 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
552 |
Thuspeinanta persica (Boiss.) Briq. * |
IT |
Th |
900 |
scrubs |
553 |
Thymus daenensis Celak. * |
IT |
Ch |
2400 |
Montane scrubs |
554 |
Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. & Hohen. |
IT |
Ch |
1740-3218 |
Montane scrubs |
555* |
Thymus pubescens Boiss. & Kotschy ex Celak. |
IT |
Ch |
1425-2660 |
Montane scrubs , on NW slope |
556 |
Vitex agnus-castus L. |
IT/M |
Ph |
1017-1250 |
Margin of river |
557 |
Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. |
IT |
Ch |
1600-2909 |
Montane scrubs , on E slope |
558 |
Ziziphora persica Bunge * |
IT |
Th |
750 |
Artemisia steppes |
559 |
Ziziphora tenuior L. |
IT |
Th |
825-1765 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
Linaceae |
560 |
Linum album Kotschy ex Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1708-2100 |
Montane scrubs |
Lythraceae |
561 |
Punica granatum L. |
Cu |
Ph |
925-1575 |
Cultivated |
Malvaceae |
562* |
Abutilon theophrasti Medik. |
Paleotr/Advent |
Th |
929 |
Farmland |
563 |
Alcea angulata Freyn & Sint. |
IT |
He |
870-1930 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
564 |
Alcea koelzii Riedl * |
IT* |
He |
1350 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
565 |
Alcea kurdica Alef. * |
IT |
He |
1470 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
566 |
Alcea rosea L. |
M |
He |
2044 |
Montane scrubs |
567* |
Alcea tabrisiana Boiss. & Buhse |
IT |
He |
1517-1984 |
Montane scrubs |
568 |
Alcea transcaucasica (Iljin ex Grossh.) Iljin * |
IT |
He |
1700 |
Montane scrubs |
569* |
Althaea aucheri Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1026 |
Artemisia steppes |
570 |
Malva neglecta Wallr. |
IT |
He |
1450-2123 |
Weed in Farmland |
571 |
Malva sylvestris L. |
He |
915-2323 |
Weed in Farmland |
Mimosaceae |
5722 |
Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol.) J.F.Macbr. |
IT |
He |
929-1700 |
Disused farmland |
573 |
Prosopis koelziana Burkart |
SS |
Ph |
1000 |
Moraceae |
574 |
Ficus carica L. |
Cu |
Ph |
1117-1388 |
Scrubs, on rocky place |
575 |
Morus alba L. |
Cu |
He |
1432-2000 |
Cultivated |
Nitrariaceae |
576 |
Nitraria schoberi L. * |
IT |
Ch |
800 |
Saline soil in desert |
577 |
Peganum harmala L. |
He |
810-2308 |
Disturbed places |
Oleaceae |
578 |
Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. |
ES |
Ph |
920-1760 |
Seasonal dry river |
Onagraceae |
579 |
Epilobium hirsutum L. |
PL |
Ge |
1800-1967 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
Orobanchaceae |
580 |
Cistanche laxiflora Aitch. & Hemsl. |
IT |
Ge |
1100 |
Margin of farm field |
581 |
Cistanche tubulosa (Schenk) Wight |
PL |
Ge |
800 |
Margin of farm field |
582 |
Orobanche cernua Loefl. |
Ge |
1140 |
583* |
Orobanche nana (Reut.) Beck |
IT/M |
Ge |
1361-3218 |
On the seasonal waterway below the cliff |
Papaveraceae |
584 |
Glaucium calycinum Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
1448-1500 |
Montane scrubs |
585 |
Glaucium contortuplicatum Boiss. |
M/IT |
Th |
1240 |
586 |
Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Curtis * |
IT/M |
Th |
1500-2100 |
Montane scrubs |
587 |
Glaucium elegans Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Th |
1049-2130 |
Seasonal dry river |
588 |
Glaucium grandiflorum Boiss. & A.Huet |
IT |
He |
1900 |
Montane scrubs |
589 |
Hypecoum pendulum L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1039-1550 |
Artemisia steppes |
590 |
Papaver arenarium M.Bieb. |
IT |
Th |
1023-1199 |
Artemisia steppes |
591 |
Papaver argemone L. * |
Th |
1550-2000 |
Montane scrubs, disturbed soils |
592 |
Papaver decaisnei Hochst. & Steud. ex Elkan |
IT |
Th |
1448 |
Montane scrubs, disturbed soils |
593 |
Papaver dubium L. |
Th |
1550-1576 |
Montane scrubs, disturbed soils |
594 |
Papaver macrostomum Boiss. & A.Huet |
IT |
Th |
1550-1795 |
Montane scrubs, disturbed soils |
595 |
Papaver rhoeas L. |
Th |
1000 |
Artemisia steppes |
596 |
Papaver tenuifolium Boiss. & Hohen. * |
IT |
Th |
1080-1150 |
597 |
Roemeria hybrida (L.) DC. |
IT/M |
Th |
1080-1550 |
Artemisia steppes |
598 |
Roemeria refracta DC. |
IT |
Th |
1740 |
Artemisia steppes |
Phyllanthaceae |
599 |
Andrachne fruticulosa Boiss. * |
IT* |
He |
1550 |
Montane scrubs |
Plantaginaceae |
600 |
Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort. |
Th |
960 |
At the margins of arable fields |
601 |
Linaria michauxii Chav. |
IT* |
He |
1201 |
Artemisia steppes |
602* |
Linaria simplex Desf. |
IT |
Th |
1195 |
Artemisia steppes |
603 |
Plantago lanceolata L. |
He |
922-2380 |
Margin of stream in farmland |
604 |
Plantago major L. |
PL |
He |
1504-1955 |
Margin of stream in farmland |
605 |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. |
Co |
Ge |
1021-2159 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
606 |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica subsp. Michauxii x anagalloides subsp. heureka |
Co |
Ge |
1504-2763 |
In margin of streams in gardens |
607* |
Veronica anagalloides Guss. |
He |
1504-2763 |
On humid wall of dam |
608 |
Veronica beccabunga L. |
He |
1560-2324 |
Montane scrubs , wet ground around spring |
609 |
Veronica campylopoda Boiss. * |
IT |
Th |
900-2200 |
Montane scrubs , |
610 |
Veronica orientalis Mill. |
IT |
He |
2926-2973 |
Montane scrubs, on SE slope |
Platanaceae |
611 |
Platanus orientalis L. |
IT/M |
Ph |
2000 |
In bed of valley |
Plumbaginaceae |
612 |
Acantholimon acmostegium Boiss. & Buhse * |
IT* |
Ch |
870 |
Artemisia steppes |
613 |
Acantholimon aspadanum Bunge |
IT* |
Ch |
960-1350 |
Artemisia steppes, on N slope grown on rocky place |
614 |
Acantholimon bromifolium Boiss. ex Bunge |
IT |
Ch |
985-2553 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
615 |
Acantholimon erinaceum (Jaub & Spach) Lincz |
IT |
Ch |
2100-3122 |
Montane scrubs |
616* |
Acantholimon hystrix Stapf |
IT |
Ch |
1605 |
Montane scrubs, on S slope |
617 |
Acantholimon quinquelobum Bunge |
IT |
Ch |
850-1350 |
Artemisia steppes, on N slope |
618 |
Acantholimon schahrudicum Bunge * |
IT* |
Ch |
1250-1500 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
619 |
Acantholimon scorpius (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. |
IT* |
Ch |
1780-2137 |
Artemisia steppes, on E slope |
620 |
Acantholimon talagonicum Boiss. |
IT* |
Ch |
1750-2150 |
Montane scrubs |
621 |
Acantholimon truncatum Bunge * |
IT |
Ch |
2200 |
Montane scrubs |
622 |
Limonium iranicum (Bornm.) Lincz. * |
IT |
He |
1150 |
Saline soils |
Polygalaceae |
623 |
Polygala hohenackerana Fisch. & C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Ch |
965-2020 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
Polygonaceae |
624 |
Atraphaxis spinosa L. |
Ch |
1809-2020 |
Montane scrubs , dry stream bed |
625 |
Calligonum leucocladum (Schrenk) Bunge * |
IT |
Ph |
900 |
Sand dune |
626 |
Calligonum persicum (Boiss. & Buhse) Boiss. |
IT |
Ph |
850 |
Sand dune |
627 |
Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á.Löve |
PL |
Th |
945-2300 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
628 |
Polygonum arenastrum Boreau |
PL |
Th |
1550-2071 |
Montane scrubs |
629* |
Polygonum aviculare L. |
PL |
Th |
917 |
Weed in farmland |
630 |
Polygonum cognatum Meisn. |
He |
1797 |
Wet ground around qanat |
631 |
Polygonum hyrcanicum Rech.f. * |
ES |
He |
1250 |
Montane scrubs |
632 |
Polygonum paronychioides C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Ch |
1550-1962 |
Montane scrubs |
633 |
Polygonum patulum M.Bieb. |
IT/M |
Th |
915-929 |
Weed in farmland |
634 |
Pteropyrum olivieri Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
Ph |
924-1803 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes, in dry river |
635 |
Rheum ribes L. |
IT |
Ge |
1445-2500 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
636 |
Rumex chalepensis Mill. |
IT |
He |
1967 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
637 |
Rumex crispus L. |
PL |
He |
1675-1922 |
Weed in farmland |
Portulacaceae |
638 |
Portulaca oleracea L. |
PL |
Th |
1050 |
Weed in farmland |
Primulaceae |
639 |
Androsace maxima L. |
Th |
2072 |
Montane scrubs |
640* |
Samolus valerandi L. |
PL |
Th |
1417-2763 |
Spring pool |
Ranunculaceae |
641 |
Adonis aestivalis L. |
Th |
1500-2926 |
In disturbed habitate |
642 |
Ceratocephalus falcatus (L.) Pers. |
IT/M |
Th |
1039-2275 |
wet ground of dam lake |
643 |
Clematis orientalis L. |
IT |
Ch |
2073 |
in seasonal dry river |
644 |
Consolida orientalis (J.Gay) Schrödinger |
Th |
1626-2320 |
Margin of streams of gardens |
645 |
Consolida persica (Boiss.) Grossh. |
IT |
Th |
1009 |
Margin of streams of gardens |
646* |
Delphinium hohenackeri Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
1886 |
Montane scrubs |
647* |
Delphinium pallidiflorum Freyn |
IT |
Ge |
1576-1771 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
648 |
Delphinium tuberosum Aucher ex Boiss. |
IT* |
Ge |
1802 |
Montane scrubs |
649* |
Ranunculus aquatilis L. |
Th |
1599-2159 |
Spring pool |
650* |
Ranunculus aucheri Boiss. |
IT |
Ge |
2932-3123 |
Montane scrubs, on S slope |
651 |
Ranunculus oxyspermus Willd. |
Ge |
1572-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
652 |
Thalictrum minus L. |
IT/M |
He |
1920-2370 |
Weed in gardens |
Resedaceae |
653 |
Reseda arabica Boiss. * |
SS |
Th |
800-1100 |
Artemisia steppes |
654 |
Reseda aucheri Boiss. |
IT |
He |
945-1870 |
In disturbed habitats |
655 |
Reseda buhseana Müll.Arg. |
IT |
Th |
1572-1700 |
Montane scrubs |
656 |
Reseda bungei Boiss. * |
IT* |
He |
900-1350 |
Artemisia steppes |
657 |
Reseda lutea L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1455-1832 |
Disturbed soil |
Rhamnaceae |
658 |
Rhamnus pallasii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Ph |
1175-2087 |
Montane scrubs , on rocky place |
659 |
Ziziphus jujuba Mill. |
Cu |
Ph |
1445 |
Cultivated |
660 |
Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. |
SU |
Ph |
932 |
Cultivated |
Rosaceae |
661 |
Amygdalus communis L. |
IT/M |
Ph |
2000-2200 |
Cultivated in bed of valley |
662 |
Amygdalus haussknechtii C.K.Schneid. ex Bornm. |
IT* |
Ph |
2120 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope , grown on rocky place |
663 |
Amygdalus lycioides Spach |
IT |
Ph |
982-2170 |
Montane scrubs |
664 |
Amygdalus scoparia Spach |
IT |
Ph |
1065-2085 |
Montane scrubs , on S slope |
665* |
Amygdalus scoparia Spach x Amygdalus lycioides Spach |
IT |
Ph |
2085 |
Montane scrubs , on S slope |
666 |
Amygdalus x keredjensis Browicz |
IT |
Ph |
1170 |
Montane scrubs |
667 |
Cerasus microcarpa (C.A.Mey.) Boiss. |
IT |
Ph |
2040 |
Montane scrubs |
668 |
Cotoneaster nummularius Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT/M |
Ph |
1569-2575 |
Montane scrubs, on S slope |
669 |
Crataegus ambigua C.A.Mey. ex A.K.Becker |
IT |
Ph |
1920-2553 |
near spring among willows and barberry trees |
670 |
Potentilla micrantha Ramond ex DC. * |
He |
1880 |
671 |
Rosa beggeriana Schrenk ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Ph |
1805-2350 |
Montane scrubs , on NW slope |
672* |
Rosa canina L. |
Ph |
1359-1975 |
Montane scrubs, in wet ground around spring under shade of willows |
673 |
Rosa orientalis A.Dupont ex Ser. |
IT |
Ph |
1670-2120 |
Montane scrubs on N slope grown on rocky place |
674 |
Rosa persica Michx. ex Juss. |
IT |
Ch |
1300-2050 |
Montane scrubs , on SE slope |
675 |
Rubus caesius L. |
Ch |
1504-1970 |
Montane scrubs, On disturbed soil and over grazed range |
676 |
Rubus sanctus Schreb. |
M/IT |
Ph |
1967 |
Montane scrubs, margin of streams in gardens |
677 |
Sanguisorba minor Scop. |
He |
1572-2380 |
Montane scrubs, in bed of valley |
Rubiaceae |
678 |
Asperula arvensis L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1900-2932 |
Montane scrubs |
679 |
Asperula glomerata (M.Bieb.) Griseb. |
IT |
Ch |
1741-2420 |
Montane scrubs , on NW slope |
680 |
Asperula trichodes J.Gay ex DC. * |
IT |
Th |
1200 |
681 |
Callipeltis cucullaris (L.) DC. |
IT/M |
Th |
968-1805 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
682 |
Cruciata taurica (Pall. ex Willd.) Ehrend. |
IT |
Ch |
1896-2553 |
Montane scrubs, on SE slope |
683* |
Galium ceratopodum Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
1032-1775 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
684 |
Galium humifusum M.Bieb. |
IT/M |
He |
1504-2596 |
Montane scrubs, weed in gardens |
685* |
Galium mite Boiss. & Hohen. |
IT |
He |
2028 |
Montane scrubs, |
686* |
Galium setaceum Lam. |
IT/M |
Th |
1043-1160 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
687* |
Galium spurium L. |
Th |
1417-1808 |
Montane scrubs |
688 |
Plocama bruguieri (A.Rich. ex DC.) M.Backlund & Thulin. |
IT |
He |
1096-1900 |
Montane scrubs |
689 |
Rubia tinctorum L. |
IT/M |
He |
929-1955 |
Weed in gardens |
Rutaceae |
690 |
Haplophyllum acutifolium (DC.) G.Don |
IT |
He |
1766 |
Montane scrubs |
691 |
Haplophyllum rubrotinctum C.C.Towns. |
IT* |
He |
1650 |
Montane scrubs |
Salicaceae |
692 |
Salix alba L. |
PL |
Ph |
1576-1807 |
Montane scrubs, in bed of valley |
Santalaceae |
693 |
Thesium kotschyanum Boiss. |
IT/M |
Ge |
2897-2907 |
Montane scrubs |
Sapindaceae |
694 |
Acer monspessulanum L. |
IT |
Ph |
1740-2027 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
Scrophulariaceae |
695* |
Scrophularia nervosa Benth. |
IT |
He |
3058 |
Montane scrubs, on SE slope |
696 |
Scrophularia sanguinea Grau |
IT |
He |
1876 |
Montane scrubs |
697 |
Scrophularia striata Boiss. |
IT |
Ch |
1415-2200 |
Montane scrubs , On disturbed soil |
698 |
Verbascum disjectum (Murb.) Hub.-Mor. * |
IT* |
He |
950 |
699* |
Verbascum sinuatum L. |
IT/M |
He |
2443 |
Montane scrubs, on NW slope |
700 |
Verbascum speciosum Schrad. |
He |
1957-2200 |
Montane scrubs |
Solanaceae |
701 |
Datura innoxia Miller |
Cu |
Th |
925-1550 |
In disturbed habitats |
702 |
Hyoscyamus arachnoideus Pojark. |
IT |
He |
2000-2320 |
Montane scrubs |
703 |
Hyoscyamus pusillus L. |
Th |
950-1500 |
Artemisia steppes |
704 |
Hyoscyamus reticulatus L. |
IT |
Th |
1080 |
In disturbed habitats |
705 |
Hyoscyamus senecionis Willd. |
IT |
He |
1837-3227 |
Montane scrubs, on N slope |
706 |
Lycium depressum Stocks |
IT |
He |
929-1376 |
In margin of seasonal river |
707 |
Solanum nigrum Ll. |
Co |
Th |
945-1955 |
Weed in gardens |
Tamaricaceae |
708 |
Reaumuria alternifolia (Labill.) Britten * |
IT |
Ch |
900-1700 |
Moderately saline soils |
709 |
Tamarix aralensis Bunge * |
IT |
Ph |
950-980 |
Saline and moist soils |
710 |
Tamarix kotschyi Bunge |
IT |
Ph |
800-1185 |
Margin of river with brakish water |
711 |
Tamarix laxa Willd. * |
IT |
Ph |
1000 |
Saline and moist soils |
712 |
Tamarix passerinoides Delile |
Ph |
800-950 |
Near Salt-marshes |
713 |
Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. |
IT |
Ph |
950-1929 |
Margin of river |
714 |
Tamarix szovitsiana Bunge |
IT |
Ph |
870 |
Saline and moist soils |
715* |
Tamarix tetragyna Ehrenb. |
M |
Ph |
993 |
Margin of seasonal river |
716 |
Tamarix tetrandra Pall. ex M.Bieb. |
IT/M |
Ph |
1105 |
Saline and moist soils |
Thymelaeaceae |
717 |
Diarthron lessertii (Wikstr.) Kit Tan |
IT |
Ch |
830-2027 |
Artemisia steppes |
718 |
Diarthron vesiculosum (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Th |
1000-1100 |
Artemisia steppes |
Urticaceae |
719 |
Parietaria judaica L. |
Ch |
1036-1781 |
In crevices of stone |
720 |
Urtica dioica L. |
PL |
He |
2000-2300 |
Weed in gardens |
Valerianaceae |
721 |
Valeriana sisymbriifolia Vahl |
IT |
He |
1490 |
Montane scrubs |
722 |
Valerianella dufresnia Bunge ex Boiss. |
IT |
Th |
1049-1417 |
Montane scrubs |
723 |
Valerianella szovitsiana Fisch. & C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Th |
1500 |
Montane scrubs |
724 |
Valerianella triplaris Boiss. & Buhse * |
IT |
Th |
850-1080 |
Artemisia steppes |
Violaceae |
725* |
Viola modesta House |
IT/M |
Th |
2078 |
Montane scrubs ,wet ground around spring |
726 |
Viola occulta Lehm. |
IT |
Th |
1805-2100 |
Montane scrubs , wet ground around spring |
727 |
Viola odorata L. |
ES/M |
He |
1935-2200 |
Montane scrubs , Margin of streams of garden |
Zygophyllaceae |
728 |
Fagonia olivieri DC. |
IT |
Ch |
965-1009 |
Artemisia steppe |
729 |
Tribulus macropterus Boiss. * |
Th |
800-900 |
Sandy and gravelly ground |
730 |
Tribulus mollis Ehrenb. ex Schweinf. * |
Ea/SS |
Th |
900 |
Sandy and gravelly ground |
731 |
Tribulus pentandrus Forssk. |
Th |
825-861 |
Sandy and gravelly ground |
732 |
Tribulus terrestris L. |
PL |
Th |
900-1358 |
Weed in Farmland |
733 |
Zygophyllum atriplicoides Fisch. & C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Ch |
900-1000 |
Artemisia steppes |
734 |
Zygophyllum fabago L. |
IT |
He |
1081-1572 |
On road side |
Monocots |
Amaryllidaceae |
735 |
Allium akaka S.G.Gmel. ex Schult. & Schult.f. * |
IT |
Ge |
1900 |
Montane scrubs |
736 |
Allium ampeloprasum L. * |
IT/M |
Ge |
2000 |
Montane scrubs |
737 |
Allium atroviolaceum Boiss. * |
IT |
Ge |
1700 |
Montane scrubs |
738 |
Allium graveolens (R.M.Fritsch) R.M.Fritsch |
IT |
Ge |
1850 |
Montane scrubs |
739 |
Allium materculae Bordz. |
IT |
Ge |
1576-2935 |
Montane scrubs , on E slope |
740* |
Allium sabulosum Steven ex Bunge |
IT |
Ge |
1088 |
Artemisia steppes |
741 |
Allium scabriscapum Boiss. |
IT |
Ge |
1339-1829 |
on N slope grown on rocky place |
742 |
Allium stipitatum Regel |
IT |
Ge |
2000-2400 |
Montane scrubs , In gardens |
743 |
Allium umbilicatum Boiss. * |
IT |
Ge |
1070 |
Artemisia steppes |
744 |
Allium xiphopetalum Aitch. & Baker |
IT |
Ge |
1784-2900 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppes |
Asparagaceae |
745 |
Asparagus persicus Baker |
IT |
He |
1113 |
On N slope Grown in wet ground around qanat |
746 |
Bellevalia decolorans Bornm. |
IT |
Ge |
1452 |
Montane scrubs |
747 |
Leopoldia longipes (Boiss.) Losinsk. |
IT |
Ge |
2180-2926 |
Montane scrubs |
748* |
Leopoldia tenuiflora (Tausch) Heldr. |
IT |
Ge |
1836 |
Montane scrubs , on N slope |
749 |
Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. |
Ph |
1284-1743 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppes , in wet ground around spring |
750 |
Ornithogalum cuspidatum Bertol. |
IT |
Ge |
2840 |
Montane scrubs |
751 |
Ornithogalum orthophyllum Ten. |
ES/M |
Ge |
2179-2770 |
Montane scrubs , on E slope |
Asphodelaceae |
752 |
Eremurus olgae Regel * |
IT |
Ge |
1836-2351 |
Montane scrubs |
753 |
Eremurus persicus (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. |
IT |
Ge |
2651 |
Montane scrubs , on E slope |
Colchicaceae |
754 |
Colchicum kotschyi Boiss. * |
IT |
Ge |
1794 |
Montane scrubs |
755 |
Colchicum persicum Baker |
ES |
Ge |
2570-2578 |
Montane scrubs, in bed of valley |
756 |
Colchicum robustum (Bunge) Stef. * |
IT |
Ge |
1300 |
757* |
Colchicum szovitsii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. |
IT |
Ge |
1700 |
Montane scrubs |
758 |
Colchicum varians (Freyn & Bornm.) Dyer * |
IT* |
Ge |
1390-1600 |
Montane scrubs |
Cyperaceae |
759 |
Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla * |
Co |
He |
1700 |
Marshes and river banks |
760 |
Carex divisa Huds. * |
He |
890 |
Damp places |
761 |
Carex physodes M.Bieb. * |
IT |
He |
750 |
Sand dunes |
762 |
Carex stenophylla Wahlenb. |
IT |
He |
2003-2020 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
763 |
Cyperus conglomeratus Rottb. |
SS |
He |
802-950 |
In sandy ground |
764 |
Cyperus laevigatus L. |
He |
1150 |
In sandy ground |
765 |
Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) Palla * |
Co |
He |
1700 |
Margin of river |
766 |
Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Soják |
IT/M |
He |
1080-1770 |
Margin of river |
Iridaceae |
767 |
Iris hymenospatha B.Mathew & Wendelbo * |
IT |
Ge |
1325-1900 |
Montane scrubs |
768 |
Iris songarica Schrenk |
IT |
Ge |
1543-2470 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
Ixioliriaceae |
769 |
Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Schult. & Schult.f. |
IT |
Ge |
1576-1805 |
In bed of valley, disturbed places |
Juncaceae |
770 |
Juncus articulatus L. |
Co |
He |
1485 |
Margin of streams |
771 |
Juncus gerardii Loisel. * |
He |
1700 |
Margin of streams |
772 |
Juncus inflexus L. * |
PL |
He |
1500-2220 |
Damp places |
773 |
Juncus rigidus Desf. * |
PL |
He |
1350 |
Damp places |
Liliaceae |
774 |
Fritillaria gibbosa Boiss. * |
IT |
Ge |
1350 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
775 |
Gagea chomutovae (Pascher) Pascher |
IT |
Ge |
1378 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
776 |
Gagea circumplexa Vved. |
IT/M |
Ge |
1784 |
Montane scrubs |
777 |
Gagea confusa A.Terr. |
IT |
Ge |
1955-2680 |
Montane scrubs |
778 |
Gagea gageoides (Zucc.) Vved. |
IT |
Ge |
1894 |
Montane scrubs |
779 |
Gagea reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult.f. |
IT |
Ge |
1055 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
780 |
Tulipa biebersteiniana Schult. & Schult.f. |
ES/M |
Ge |
1748-2907 |
Montane scrubs |
781 |
Tulipa biflora Pall. |
IT |
Ge |
1576-3123 |
Montane scrubs , wet ground around spring |
782 |
Tulipa clusiana DC. |
IT |
Ge |
2070 |
Montane scrubs |
783 |
Tulipa montana Lindl. * |
IT |
Ge |
1900 |
Montane scrubs |
Orchidaceae |
784 |
Dactylorhiza umbrosa (Kar. & Kir.) Nevski |
IT |
Ge |
2100-2247 |
Montane scrubs, wet ground around spring |
Poaceae |
785 |
Aegilops triuncialis L. |
IT/M |
Th |
1358-1716 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
786 |
Aeluropus lagopoides (L.) Thwaites |
He |
803-1847 |
Dry part of salty wetland |
787 |
Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. |
IT/M |
He |
780-1376 |
Muddy saline soils |
788 |
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. |
He |
2149-2168 |
Montane scrubs |
789 |
Avena sterilis L. |
Th |
1011-1569 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
790 |
Boissiera squarrosa (Sol.) Nevski |
IT |
Th |
1269-2432 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
791* |
Bromus brachystachys Hornung |
IT/M |
Th |
2064 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
792 |
Bromus danthoniae Trin. |
IT |
Th |
1391-2935 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
793 |
Bromus moeszii Pénzes |
IT |
Th |
1000 |
Artemisia streppes |
794 |
Bromus tectorum L. |
Th |
879-2935 |
Montane scrubs , Artemisia steppes |
795 |
Bromus tomentellus Boiss. |
IT |
He |
1200-2168 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
796 |
Centropodia forsskalii (Vahl) Cope |
He |
900 |
Artemisia steppes |
797 |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. |
Co |
He |
929-1561 |
Weed in Farmland |
798 |
Dactylis glomerata L. |
He |
1700-2139 |
Margin of streams in gardens |
799 |
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. |
Pantropic |
Th |
915 |
Weed in Farmland |
800* |
Echinochloa colona (L.) Link |
IT/M |
Th |
929 |
Weed in Farmland |
801 |
Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv. |
PL |
Th |
929-1680 |
Weed in Farmland |
802* |
Enneapogon persicus Boiss. |
IT |
He |
981-1342 |
Artemisia steppe |
803 |
Eremopyrum bonaepartis (Spreng.) Nevski |
IT |
Th |
889-1065 |
Artemisia steppe |
804 |
Eremopyrum distans (K.Koch) Nevski * |
IT |
Th |
1900-2100 |
Montane scrubs |
805 |
Heteranthelium piliferum (Sol.) Hochst. ex Jaub. & Spach |
IT |
Th |
1710 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
806 |
Hordeum bulbosum L. |
IT/M |
He |
1698 |
Montane scrubs |
807* |
Hordeum marinum Huds. |
Th |
877-1049 |
Weed in gardens |
808 |
Hordeum murinum L. * |
Th |
1080-2030 |
Weed in gardens |
809 |
Hordeum spontaneum K.Koch * |
IT/M |
Th |
1310 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
810 |
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeusch. * |
PL |
He |
960 |
811 |
Loliolum subulatum (Banks & Sol.) Eig |
IT |
Th |
1080-1269 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
812* |
Lolium rigidum Gaudin |
M/IT |
Th |
1748-1955 |
Weed in garden |
813 |
Melica persica Kunth |
IT |
He |
985-2380 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
814 |
Pennisetum orientale Rich. |
SS, Trop. Afr. |
He |
981-1900 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
815 |
Phalaris minor Retz. |
IT/M |
Th |
1083-1175 |
Weed in gardens |
816 |
Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. |
PL |
He |
1060-2554 |
In river and wetland |
817 |
Poa bulbosa L. |
Ge |
967-2686 |
Montane scrubs, Artemisia steppes |
818* |
Poa pratensis L. |
IT |
Ge |
1577 |
Montane scrubs |
819 |
Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. |
IT/M |
Th |
896 |
in salty wetland |
820* |
Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr. |
PL |
Th |
1383 |
821 |
Psathyrostachys fragilis (Boiss.) Nevski |
IT |
He |
1362 |
Montane scrubs |
822 |
Schismus arabicus Nees |
Th |
818-1269 |
Artemisia steppes |
823* |
Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv. |
ES/M |
Th |
929 |
Weed in farmlands |
824* |
Setaria viridis (L.) P.Beauv. |
Th |
929-1955 |
Weed in farmlands |
825* |
Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. |
PL |
He |
945 |
Weed in farmlands |
826* |
Stipa capensis Thunb. |
Th |
1065 |
Artemisia steppes |
827* |
Stipa lessingiana Trin. & Rupr. |
He |
1206-1281 |
Artemisia steppes |
828 |
Stipa pennata L. * |
He |
1500 |
Artemisia steppes |
829 |
Stipagrostis plumosa Munro ex T.Anderson |
PL |
He |
1500-1792 |
Montane scrubs |
830 |
Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski |
Th |
1347-2323 |
Montane scrubs |
831 |
Vulpia persica (Boiss. & Buhse) Krecz. & Bobrov |
IT |
Th |
1080-1560 |
Montane scrubs |
Potamogetonaceae |
832 |
Zannichellia palustris L. |
Co |
Ge |
847 |
Saline or brackish waters |
Ruppiaceae |
833 |
Ruppia maritima L. |
Co |
Ge |
807 |
Saline marshes, saline springs |
Typhaceae |
834* |
Typha domingensis Pers. |
PL |
He |
1504 |
Streamside |
Gymnospermae |
Ephedraceae |
835 |
Ephedra intermedia Schrenk ex C.A.Mey. * |
IT |
Ph |
1170 |
Montane scrubs |
836 |
Ephedra major Host |
IT |
Ph |
900-1920 |
Montane scrubs |
837 |
Ephedra pachyclada Boiss. |
Ph |
1881 |
Montane scrubs |
838 |
Ephedra sarcocarpa Aitch. & Hemsl. |
IT |
Ch |
1055-1090 |
Artemisia steppes |
Pteridophyta |
Equisetaceae |
839 |
Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. |
PL |
Ge |
1819-2247 |
In wet ground around spring |
Pteridaceae |
840* |
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. |
Ge |
1224 |
In wet wall of valley |
841* |
Cheilanthes acrostica (Balbis) Tod. |
M |
Ge |
1011 |
In crevices of stone, on N slope |