The Study of Flora, Biological Form and Corollary of Plant Elements of Mirabad Protected Area

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.S Student of Plant Systematic-Ecology, Faculty of Science, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Associated professor Department of Biology (Plant Sciences), Faculty of Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Biodiversity study in northern Zagros is important in many aspects and provides appropriate strategies for determining the potential of species and conservation status of species, and is also an effective factor in assessing and evaluating the area for ecological capability. Mirabad protected area in the Piranshahr-Sardasht axis is between the latitudes of 36° 23' and 36° 31' north, and the lengths 45° 15' and 45° 25', with an area of 11435ha, in the elevation range 1177-2068 m above sea level. The average rainfall and annual temperature of the area in the data of twenty years are 696 mm and 12.3°C, respectively. By distributing random samples of Whitaker multi-size units in different plant types in 2017, 447 plant species were identified from 81 families and 301 genera. The largest families in terms of species richness and genus were Asteraceae (57 species), Poaceae (48 species), Fabaceae
(37 species), Lamiaceae (24 species), Asteraceae families with 35, Poaceae with 32, Apiaceae with 21, and Brassicaceae were with 19 genera. Hemi cryptophytes with 35.3%, Throphytes with 28.2%, Geophytes with 14.4% and Phanerophytes with 13%, of the life forms of the region were recorded. In terms of chorology, 210 species (47%) belong to the Iran-Turan zone. According to the IUCN criteria in the region, there were 33 species in lower risks (LR), 23 species data deficient (DD), 7 species vulnerable (VU), and one species endangered (EN) in this protected area. Also, there are 14 rare species and 167 medicinal species.


Main Subjects

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