The First Record of the Genus and Species of Plesiothrips Perplexus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Professor Department of Plant Protection, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Genus and species of Plesiothrips perplexusBeach is recorded from Iran for the first time. In all species of the genus, the ovipositor is weakly developed, with no marginal serrations in females. Moreover, in males, antennal segment III is exceptionally small compared to females. Both characters are unusual among genera of Thripidae. Specimens of this species have been collected from Cynodon dactylon by beating the plant over a small white plastic tray in Shiraz in October 2017. Diagnosis characters as well as related illustrations have been provided. Distribution of Plesiothrips perplexus in the world and its phylogenetic relationship of the genus Plesiothrips Hood with other genera in Thripidae family as Thrips Linnaeus have been discussed.


Main Subjects

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