Potentilla radiata Lehm. and Potentilla balansae Sojak. two new record species for the Flora of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Central Herbarium of Tehran University, School of Biology, University College of Science Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Botany, The National Museum in Prague,Czech Republic


For the first time, Potentilla balansae Sojak. and Potentilla radiata Lehm. are reported from north and northeast of Iran. Potentilla balansae Pesmen is akin to P. anatolica and P. umbrosa but differs from both in its smaller petals, fewer tooted leaflets and usually subpinnate leaves. Potentilla radiata Lehm., is a hybrid species in origin, (P. argentea × P. thuringiaca ). The photographs of these new species in addition to with detail study of different parts) taken by digital microscope( indumentumultra structure (photographed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)) and distribution maps are presented.


Main Subjects

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