Keywords = Iran
Studies of the flora in Darmian area in the Southern Khorasan province

Volume 6, Issue 19, November 2014, Pages 97-110

Samaneh Sabaghi; Valliollah Mozaffarian; Taher Nejad-Sattari

The first record of the genus Allacma Börner and the species Allacma fusca (L.) (Collembola: Sminthuridae) from Iran

Volume 6, Issue 18, April 2014, Pages 13-18

Saeid Bakhshi; Masoumeh Shayanmehr; Elham Elham Yoosefi Lafooraki

Introduction of some Odonata species (Insecta) from northern Iran

Volume 5, Issue 17, January 2014, Pages 23-32

Elham Elham Yoosefi Lafooraki; Fatemeh Rasekhi; Masoumeh Shayanmehr

Taxonomic study of Festuca L. subgenus Schedonorus (P. Beauv.) Peterm. in Iran

Volume 5, Issue 16, November 2013, Pages 69-74

Sayed Zabihollah Hosseini; Mohammad Reza Rahiminejad Ranjbar; Hojatollah Saeidi; Mostafa Assadi

Introduction of some Entomobryidae species (Collembola) from different Caspian regions

Volume 5, Issue 15, September 2013, Pages 15-24

Elliyeh Yahyapoor; Masoumeh Shayanmehr

Compilation of floristic and herbarium specimen datain Iran: proposal to data structure

Volume 5, Issue 15, September 2013, Pages 75-94

Majid Sharifi-Tehrani; Mohammad Reza Rahiminejad Ranjbar

An introduction of flora, life form, chorotype and habitat of plants around Sepidroud dam, Iran

Volume 5, Issue 15, September 2013, Pages 95-112

Aiuob Moradi; Younes Asri; Shahriar Sobh-Zahedi

Rediscovery of Acorus calamus (Acoraceae) in Iran

Volume 5, Issue 15, September 2013, Pages 113-116

Abbas Gholipour; Ali Sonboli

Cladistical study and assessment of evolutionary process based on morphological data in genus of Ferula L. in Iran

Volume 5, Issue 14, June 2013, Pages 53-66

Mohammad Reza Kanani; Mohammad Reza Rahiminejad Ranjbar; Shahrokh Kazempour Osaloo; Valiollah Mozaffarian

Comparative anatomy of some selected species of the poppy family (Papaveraceae) in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 13, January 2013, Pages 1-12

Zahra Heidary Chaleshtori; Farideh Attar

A cytotaxonomic study of Catabrosa P. Beauv. (Poaceae) in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 37-42

Fatemeh Rahmati; Hojjatollah Saeidi

Phylogeny of Astragalus L. Sect. Hololeuce Bunge and related species based on morphological characters in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 43-52

Majid Ghorbani Nohooji; Ali Asghar Maassoumi; Abbas Saidi; Shahrokh Kazem pour Osaloo; Reza Sheikh Akbari Mehr

Morphological evaluation of Anchusa species (Boraginaceae) in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 53-60

Fatemeh Nasrolahi; Maryam Keshavarzi; Masoud Sheidai

Anatomical studies on leaf on Typhaceae in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 11, September 2012, Pages 13-22

Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Hamdi; Mostaf Assadi; Alireza Iranbakhsh; Maryam Malekloo; Mostafa Ebadi

Taxonomic study of Thymus eriocalyx (Ronniger) Jalas in Iran with emphasis on Floristic marker and using special station method

Volume 4, Issue 10, June 2012, Pages 63-76

Ramazan Kalvandi; Morteza Atri; Ziba Jamzad; Keivan Safikhani

Introduction of the flora, life form and chorology of the Alla region and Rudzard in Khuzestan province

Volume 3, Issue 9, March 2012, Pages 15-30

Shabnam Taghipour; Mohammad Hassanzadeh; Siavash Hosseini Sarghein

A cytotaxonomic study of Leucopoa Griseb. (Poaceae) in Iran

Volume 3, Issue 9, March 2012, Pages 47-52

Annahita Ebrahimpour; Mohammadreza Rahiminejad Ranjbar

A cytotaxonomic study of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. in Iran

Volume 3, Issue 9, March 2012, Pages 65-74

Akram Nasiri; Hojjatollah Saeidi

Cytological study of Hordeum bulbosum L. in Iran

Volume 3, Issue 8, December 2011, Pages 17-24

Hamed Khodayari; Hojjatolah Saeidi

Matricaria L. (Anthemideae, Asteraceae) in Iran: a chemotaxonomic study based on flavonoids

Volume 3, Issue 8, December 2011, Pages 25-34

Majid Sharifi-Tehrani; Nasrollah Ghasemi

Foliar anatomy and micromorphology of Festuca L. and its taxonomic applications

Volume 3, Issue 8, December 2011, Pages 55-63

Fatemeh Zarinkamar; Nasrin Eslami Jouyandeh